There are a lot of things that can get you suspended or banned in League of Legends, but this is probably one of the dumbest and it's been around forever.

League of Legends is a team game with limited forms of communication. Unfortunately, Riot continues to refuse to add voice chat for better coms into the game, leaving only written chat for players to be able to discuss, talk and flame one another.
While you can get reported and suspended for a lot of infractions, especially if you're being toxic, there are some behavioral no-no's that just seem ridiculous. So watch out next time you type in chat, because you could get suspended!
LoL: Certain Trigger Words Can Lead To Suspension

Riot has implemented a bot that tries to filter out toxic behavior and then automatically suspends players that behaved in accordance with what Riot's guidelines even consider 'toxic'.
Of course, to be able to implement such a bot there have to be some guidelines and recently a Reddit user was in talks with Riot support, where some of the 'offenses' in chat were revealed that could get players suspended and some of them were pretty ridiculous.
Did you know that according to RIOT, it is a punishable offense to "Call out for reports" or "Asking for FF" during the game? by u/NyteMyre in leagueoflegends
How many games have you played in which you asked your team to FF? Or how often have you encountered the enemy team asking you to report someone in all-chat because they've been playing alongside a toxic Master Yi main? The number is probably countless, but those are some offenses that Riot has on their list for 'suspendable' reasons.
The thing is, this is a very outdated list of 'reasons to be suspended' and these exact reasons have been around since season 2. Yes, this list was created over 10 years ago if you can believe it and it seems that Riot have not updated this since then.
The good thing about all of this is that no one actually gets suspended, even by the automatic bots, since those actually use different parameters. The Riot support team just still replies with this list to players from eons ago.
To be able to get your account suspended or some form of punishment, Riot needs to have a report for their system to be able to go through the history and let's be real, no one reports someone for asking to FF in chat or to ask someone to get reported.
It's still interesting to see this list, that also includes 'bossing the team around' still being used by the Riot support team to this day. Like, what does this even entail and when is it giving calls and where does it turn into 'bossing someone around'?