Riot Forge is making a lot of cool and innovative games set in the world of League of Legends. Could a dating sim also be in the works?

Riot Forge, a publishing company from Riot Games, working with other studios, has released multiple games already, all set in the world of Runeterra and League of Legends, but bringing a new spin to the characters.
The most recent release was a platformer set in Zaun with Ekko as the main character, while other games like a turn-based RPG and an adventure RPG have also already released. Now, the Riot Forge's creative director reveals what type of games he would love to make with Forge.
LoL: Riot Forge Creates Games To Further Champion Lore And Stories

In an interview with gamedeveloper, Creative Director of Riot Forge Rowan Parker revealed some insights into how Riot Forge approaches the development of games in the world of Runeterra, and why games as stories are chosen as the way to go to further the narrative of Runeterra.
Parker started out working on the modes team for League of Legends, where he helped create some of the most loved rotating game modes like Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) and Ascension, which is still talked about to this day.
He explained how the game mode Ascension, which was released along with the new champion Azir, was a great way to promote the champion and the gameplay, but did not help with bringing the story and lore of the champion to life. Azir's color story and lore were simply added to the universe page without players being the wiser.
Therefore, with Riot Forge, games are able to tell stories of champions which would otherwise get lost in the big vast world of a MOBA. Let's be real, MOBA's don't really have the best story-telling format... or any if we're being honest, eh?
Future Games For Riot Forge

Riot Forge have dipped into multiple game genres already and Parker explained that there is no specific pitch format when it comes to Riot Forge.
We don't license the IP to these studios. We don't even have a game pitch when we go to studios. We don't have an RFP and then show up and say 'hey, can you make this game?
He explained that they approach studios from games they've played and that they would love to work with, asking whether they could have ideas of making a game in their style set in the lore of Runeterra.
One of the ideas brought up in the interview was also the fact that there could be something like a future dating sim. While this is something Parker would love to make it could be difficult to do so if they want to keep all the games canon, right?
But maybe this was just to deter players and not to give them too much hope... maybe the LoL dating sim is already in the works. Now, the question remains who we would romance from the cast of 160 champions. Rek'Sai maybe?