Briar is finally coming to League of Legends! With a new champion returns the question of which items fit them perfectly. If you are searching for answers to this question, do not worry: we have all the answers about which mythic item you should build on Briar!

Nice to meet you! I'm hungry- I mean, Briar.
As with every new champion, players are eagerly awaiting the moment they can finally pick up League's hungriest champion for themselves. However, it is important that you are well fed- I mean, prepared for this new adventure. These mythic items should help you find success on Briar!
Obviously, we do know that we can not stop you from trying out other mythic items. Maybe a different mythic item turns out to be a perfect fit! We are here to give you the safest bets for all of your games, but if you find out something that we did not see coming, let us know on our socials!
Get ready for Briar – she will be unleashed on the live servers very soon...
Briar's Mythic Item Choices: These Mythics Will Serve You Well

As a diver and sustained fighter, Briar will find fighter items to fit her playstyle the best. Obviously, when a sustained fighter is part of the game, the first item that comes to mind is Goredrinker. It has every stat you want – health to cast more spells, AD to hurt your enemies even more and ability haste to access your E – Chilling Scream more often. What is not to like?
However, we do understand that fighter players would rather make sure their targets stay close to them. If you can live without the added sustain – or you already have either Ravenous Hydra or Blade of the Ruined King – you can instead grab Stridebreaker and make sure to stop every champion that is trying to flee the scene. Go get them, tiger!
If you are fine playing with glass cannon builds, you may also find yourself at home with Youmuu's Ghostblade. With its active Wraith Step, you can make sure that no enemy is ever going to get away from you! However, you should make sure that your durability is instead helped by your other items, as Briar will not have enough time to brawl it out with a full lethality build.
Lastly, we know that Trinity Force and Divine Sunderer are lucrative choices for any bruiser that really likes to stay in a fight for long. However, Briar's cooldowns are comparably high, which means that she does not utilize their Spellblade passives very well. While we do not want to lock these options out entirely, we do believe that the other fighter mythics will do the job better.
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These are the mythic items we think suit Briar the best. Feel free to try them out, promise us not to buy Luden's Tempest and best of luck on the Rift once Briar releases!