The next League of Legends champion is none other than K'Sante and his abilities will bring a new twist to the game. Let's check it out.

The newest League of Legends Champion is none other than the Pride of Nazumah. This champion is going to be played in the top lane, but according to Riot he will be able to be flexed into the mid lane as well. This is a resource heavy champion, so funnelling gold into him will be key.
Now, that we have marvelled at his champion design with that epic unique weapon in his arms it's time we take a look at this champions gameplay and what exactly he's going to be able to do. Will he be dominating the meta from the get-go? Well one thing we can tell you right away, he's not going to be the easiest champion right off the bat.
K'Sante Abilities Have Been Revealed
This high-skill top laner is going to shake up the meta, especially once he reaches level 6. Playing around his ultimate is going to be key, which is why we're going to start this K'Sante ability rundown with his ultimate. This ability is just insane.
K'Sante Ability | Description |
R - All Out |
So we have a lot to unpack here. This is the ability you're going to want to play around as much as possible and the ability which will decide how you take fights and engages. In his regular form K'Sante is a tank, using his weapon – the Tonfa – as a large shield.
When you use your ultimate he will shatter this Tonfa and become a bruiser fighter. Your abilities will also change while the ultimate is active. So you're going to have to decide in fights whether it's best to stay in your 'tank form' or whether your team can go all-in with you at the helm, leading the charge thanks to your ultimate.
Let's check out the rest of his abilities so we know how they change and how the ultimate will affect them.
K'Sante Abilities | Description |
P - Dauntless Instinct |
Q - Ntofo Strikes |
W - Path Maker |
E - Footwork |
The amount of CC makes him a scary champion to go up against. He will be able to block an opponent's attack with his W, which looks to be just as strong as Yasuo's Windwall which is one of the best abilities in the game. He's also got multiple dashes if he lands his abilities.
LoL: K'Sante is a High Skill Ceiling Champion
Looking over his abilities it's obvious that K'Sante is a champion that will require a lot of skill from players. Knowing when to activate his ultimate will be the key to fights and will decide the state of the game in many situations. This is a versatile champion unlike any Riot has released thus far.
He also isn't a ranged champion, so knowing when to engage is going to be crucial. The ultimate dash will also only work when you use the kick back against a wall, so being able to position yourself correctly as K'Sante is going to be another key factor to winning games with him.
Overall, he's got an insane kit with a fun high skill ceiling and some fun outplay potential, something you rarely see in a tank, but what do you guys think of a champion like this coming to League?