Okay, let's do an exercise in imagination. Let's try to think of Karma in our world. What kind of person would she be? Where would she live? Honestly, she gives me Yoga instructor from LA vibes. She would have her in-house yoga lessons for rich valley-moms. Riot, please give us the yoga-instructor-Karma skin in 2022!
Now, we go with our yoga instructor Karma into our usual universe travel machine to see what kind of person she could be in different worlds. Is she a dramatic fighter, or does she protect those in need? Is she some form of instructor somewhere else as well? Seriously, there are limitless options, and we're going to explore them all.
But of course, first, we need to warm up with some breathing exercises, so we sit behind the wheel of our DeLorean DMC-12, close our eyes and focus on our breaths. Breathe out... let out all negative emotions piled up from hours of League of Legends. Breathe in... think of beautiful Karma skins that you're about to witness.
Alright, we're ready to go and ready to start on our journey into the unknown. How many universes will we travel to? Will we encounter death and war, just like we did with Jinx and Kalista? Hopefully we can stay safe and calm thanks to all the yoga Karma has been teaching us throughout the last week or so. We're practically masters by this point. Downward facing dog? No problem. Tree pose? Easy. Hopefully these help us on our adventure to find the best Karma skins League of Legends has to offer!
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