Ashe currently is one of the strongest ADC champions in League of Legends. While many see her as a beginner's champion, there are still a few important characteristics about her you should know. In this guide, we'll show you how to succeed with Ashe!

There are currently over 160 Champions in League of Legends, and each of them is unique. One of the strongest champions right now is undoubtedly Ashe, the Frost Archer from the icy tundras of the Freljord.
In this guide, we will take an in-depth look at Ashe's abilities and her playstyle. We'll also provide you with tips on how to use her as effectively as possible to increase your chances of victory. Because one thing is clear: With Ashe, you literally wield the power of ice!
League of Legends Champion Ashe: Abilities
To play Ashe successfully, it's important to understand her abilities and how to use them. Here's an overview:
- Passive: Frost Shot – Ashe's basic attacks slow targets, and critical hits double this slowing effect.
- Q – Ranger’s Focus – Ashe's auto-attacks generate up to four stacks. When at full stacks, she can activate the ability to gain additional attack speed and higher damage per second.
- W – Volley – Ashe fires a salvo of arrows in a direction, dealing damage and slowing down enemies.
- E – Hawkshot – Ashe calls a hawk that flies to a targeted point on the map, granting her vision along its path.
- R – Enchanted Crystal Arrow – Ashe shoots an arrow across the map that freezes an area upon impact and stuns enemies.
Item and Rune Recommendations for Ashe

Ashe is an ADC champion who benefits from critical damage and attack speed. Here are some recommended items for Ashe:
- Kraken Slayer – This item deals bonus damage with every third hit, providing a significant power spike for Ashe.
- Runaan’s Hurricane – It allows Ashe to attack multiple targets simultaneously, which is highly effective in team fights, especially when combined with her Q ability.
- Trinity Force – This item offers damage and additional survivability through extra HP and a passive that provides bonus movement speed on auto-attacks.
For your primary runes, opt for the Precision Tree. One keystone is particularly useful for Ashe. For secondary runes, the Inspiration Tree is a good choice.
- Lethal Tempo – This rune significantly increases your attack speed, which aligns well with Ashe's playstyle.
- Presence of Mind – This rune provides extra mana regeneration, allowing you to use more abilities.
- Legend: Bloodline – This rune grants additional life steal, enhancing your survivability.
- Coup de Grace – In both team fights and bot lane duels, Coup de Grace can make a difference.
Keep in mind that item and rune choices may vary from game to game. Adjust your selections based on your team's needs, your matchup, and the game's conditions.
Ashe – Playstyle

Ashe's playstyle is based on her ability to attack slowed targets and deal critical damage. She is typically played as an ADC on the bot lane and is known for initiating team fights with her ultimate ability.
The key to success lies in her passive ability, Frost Shot. She can slow down targets and deal more damage to slowed enemies. This makes her an excellent choice for controlling opponents from a distance and being useful in team fights.
Use her abilities Ranger’s Focus and Volley to deal damage and slow down enemies in fights. Her ultimate ability, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, can be crucial for hitting key targets and initiating team fights.
Despite all the advantages Ashe offers, there's a significant drawback: she is extremely immobile. Her passive slow is of no use against champions with hooks or hard engages. So, always pay attention to your positioning before dealing damage.
Tips and Tricks for Ashe
Internalizing all the information from this guide might not be easy. That's why here are some tips to play Ashe effectively:
- Use Ashe's passive ability, Frost Shot, to slow down enemies, deal more damage, and control the combat distance.
- Use Hawkshot to determine the enemy jungler's position, helping you decide whether to play offensively or defensively.
- Strategically use Enchanted Crystal Arrow to hit key targets and initiate team fights.
Ashe is a strong ADC champion who can influence the game with her ability to attack slowed targets. With the right items, runes, and good positioning, you can lead your team to victory as Ashe.
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