Jhin isn't just a wonderfully designed champion in League of Legends, he is incredibly strong as well! Although there are a few tips and tricks we can give you before going into your next solo queue game.

League of Legends now boasts over 160 champions, each of them incredibly distinct. One of the most intriguing champions undoubtedly is Jhin, the virtuoso killer hailing from Ionia.
In this guide, we will delve into Jhin's abilities and playstyle in detail. We will provide you with tips on how to effectively utilize him to increase your chances of victory. A versatile bot laner like Jhin is a must-have in your arsenal!
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League of Legends Champion Jhin: Abilities
To play Jhin successfully, it's important to understand his abilities and their ideal applications. Here's an overview of his complete skillset:
- Passive: Whisper - Jhin's basic attacks deal additional damage and have a limited attack speed.
- Q - Dancing Grenade - Jhin throws a grenade that bounces to three additional enemies, dealing damage in the process.
- W - Deadly Flourish - Jhin fires a deadly shot that roots recently damaged enemies and deals additional damage.
- E - Captive Audience - Jhin places traps that explode and slow down enemies when triggered.
- R - Curtain Call - Jhin aims at enemies in a cone-shaped area with a sniper rifle, firing four shots, dealing significantly more damage with the fourth shot.
Item and Rune Recommendations for Jhin

Jhin is an AD Carry champion, so you should opt for items that enhance his strengths. Due to his passive ability, his build differs from many other ADCs. Here are some recommended items for Jhin:
- Stormrazor - Typically Jhin's first item. It significantly increases his shot damage and helps him stay at a safe distance thanks to the movement speed buff.
- Lord Dominik's Regards - Jhin often struggles against tanks due to his passives. Lord Dominik's can help counter this weakness to some extent.
- Galeforce - The most popular Mythic choice for Jhin. More movement speed is always beneficial for such an immobile champion, and the active ability can be a great asset both offensively and defensively.
Regarding runes, you should focus on the Precision tree to bolster Jhin's offensive capabilities. Recommended runes include:
- Fleet Footwork - Jhin only has four shots before he reloads. The Fleet Footwork Keystone helps you make the most of each magazine.
- Presence of Mind - Jhin has a high mana consumption, which can be a hindrance, especially in the early game. This rune is perfect to avoid running out of mana at crucial moments.
- Legend: Bloodline - Self-explanatory – life steal is a useful addition for practically any AD Carry.
- Cut Down - A good choice when the opposing team is tank-heavy; otherwise, go for "Coup de Grace"
As always, remember that item and rune selection can vary from game to game. Adjust your choices to your team's needs and the game's conditions.
Jhin - Playstyle

Jhin's playstyle revolves around his ability to deal immense ranged damage as an AD Carry. In team fights, he should focus on positioning and landing the crucial shots.
His ability Deadly Flourish allows him to root distant targets and subsequently deal high damage. Use this ability to weaken enemies before engaging in combat.
Captive Audience, his E ability, can be used to control areas and deter any pursuers. Place traps in strategic locations to protect your flanks.
His ultimate ability, Curtain Call, enables Jhin to fire shots at injured enemies from a long distance. Utilize this ultimate to eliminate key targets and swing team fights in your favor.
Tips and Tricks for Jhin
Here are some tips for playing Jhin effectively:
- Use Deadly Flourish to root enemies and secure important kills.
- Strategically place Captive Audience traps to protect your position or surprise enemies.
- Employ Curtain Call in team fights to eliminate injured enemies from afar and secure victory.
- Communicate with your support and team to identify the best opportunities for Jhin's ultimate ability.
- Pro Tip: Jhin's reload timer on his fourth and last shot can be reset by using an ability! This is how you have more time to find the perfect target!
Jhin is a deadly marksman who operates from a distance and must land crucial shots to succeed. With precise aiming and good communication, you can lead your team to victory with Jhin!