Arcane Season 2 has been confirmed to release in the fourth quarter of 2024 and with the first season being a huge success, many players hope that Riot and Fortiche will add in even more characters from the League of Legends cast. Who makes the most sense, though?

With Arcane season 2 revealed to be released in late 2024, the debate of which champions from the League of Legends cast will make their debut on the big screen with Arcane has been re-ignited. While champions like Ekko, Heimerdinger and Viktor became key parts of the plot, there are more characters that have yet to be introduced in Arcane.
📌Arcane: Quick Facts | |
Release Date: | November 6, 2021 |
Platform: | Netflix |
Studio: | Fortiche Production |
IMDB Rating: | 9/10 |
Riot have also revealed that they're trying to build a huge canon, meaning that what is being told in Arcane is part of the overarching League of Legends story. So it'll be interesting to see how the writers will adjust some champion lore – and what better place to do just that than in Arcane Season 2, eh?
Arcane Season 2: Which Champions Could Make An Appearance?
5. Orianna
In the closing scenes of Act Three, Orianna's presence was subtly hinted at through a photograph in Singed's possession. This suggests a potential father-daughter relationship, indicating her significance in Season 2.

Incorporating Orianna into the narrative makes sense as Singed's role in the story grows. The addition of his daughter aligns seamlessly and provides an excellent opportunity to explore their relationship dynamics and the depth of their affection for each other – of course Riot will then have to re-write Orianna's entire lore as well if this is meant to become canon.
4. Swain
Another champion that has received quite a lot of attention throughout the series, though never seen on-screen, is none other than Jericho Swain. Throughout the first season of Arcane imagery of crows can sporadically be seen, which has many believing that Swain has been watching the happenings in Piltover and Zaun closely.

Mel Medarda, one of the principal characters from the first season, was also revealed to be from Noxus originally, her mother having been included in the story, so a link to the Immortal Bastion would make a lot of sense and could segue easily into telling even more stories around Runeterra with other animated series.
3. Camille
One of the most important people in the lore of Piltover is Camille and the Clan Ferros. Until now they've been one of the most powerful families in Piltover thanks to their association with Hextech, but with Riot changing the lore behind the precious resource it would be interesting to see how they will include Camille and her family into the story.

It is also quite unrealistic to have a story take place in Piltover without ever including the Clan Ferros in some way shape or form, especially with how Season 1 ended. There has to be some form of civial war between Piltover and Zaun, right?
2. LeBlanc
Throughout Arcane Season 1 viewers suspected that Mel Medarda had something to do with the Black Rose and that she could be involved with a spy for LeBlanc. One Reddit user pointed out that Mel's assistant Elora has the same voice actress as a card in Legends of Runeterra called "Black Rose Spy".

Of course, this is just a fan theory, but with Mel being closely involved with Noxus this could be a pretty prominent theory and we could see a short cameo of LeBalnc or other members of the Black Rose in Arcane Season 2.
1. Warwick
At the end of the third act in Arcane Season 1 we could catch a small glimpse of what most believe to be Warwick. Of course, it's just a blurry claw we see, but at this point and time it's basically confirmed that Warwick could make an appearance in the second season of Arcane.

Not only should Warwick be a key player in the second season, but there are also multiple theories regarding who Warwick is and the most prominent pointing towards Vander. So we will get the return of Vander in Season 2 of Arcane, though he will look quite different from the first season if these theories turn out to be true.
Of course, there are multiple other champions that can also make an appearance in Arcane, maybe Zeri as a member of the Fireflies or maybe another Yordle champion like Corki or Ziggs will appear as well. For now it's just speculation though.
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