Arcane is going to be the new norm when it comes to League of Legends lore, but is that a good thing?

League of Legends is based on some pretty interesting lore. Unfortunately, that lore has not always been consistent, especially as the narrative team had to find the direction they want to take the world of Runeterra in.
So, over the years we've gotten our fair share of retcons, but it seems nothing is going to be as huge as the recent announcement from Riot, that they're working on unifying all the lore across all the game titles and other pieces of media – which will include Arcane.
Arcane Is The New Canon – How Will This Affect Hextech?
One of the biggest plot changes Arcane made had to be the invention of Hextech. Sure, Riot were already changing some things up with the upcoming Skarner Visual and Gameplay Update, but now Riot have decided to take the route of Arcane when it comes to Hextech.
This means that Jayce is the big boss in town who created Hextech and isn't in the hands of the Clan Ferros where Camille is from. Not only that, but for, still unexplained reasons, it was Ryze who just handed the key to Hextech over to Jayce. Random? Yes.

Before the lore was quite brutal regarding Hextech, but it wasn't as random... also it pretty much summed up what we do with resources in our world as well, right? Right.
This also means that quite a lot of champions will have to have their lore re-written in some way. Seraphine, Camille, Skarner, everyone who was involved with Hextech will have to receive new pieces of lore.
New Media To Be Part Of Lore
Now only will Arcane be canon, but the season start cinematics as well. These epic moments will become a key part of the League of Legends universe it seems.
Also, Riot Forge games will also be lore accurate, meaning if players want to find out more about specific champions lore and delve deeper into those characters, they'll have to dish over some money to play the games.
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