Who says animated shows are for kids? Here are 15 shows that prove how wrong that is. Let's get started!

Dragons: Race to the Edge starts slow but gets faster and faster as the season progresses. The low budget is hard to ignore at times, but it still deserves a place on the list. | © Netflix
F Is for Family picks up after two or three episodes and transforms into a fast-paced Netflix version of Family Guy. The imperfections of the main characters make it both funny and emotionally impactful. | © Netflix
Devilman: Crybaby felt like it came out of nowhere and blew us away. It's absolutely tragic, even by anime standards, but there are moments of vibrancy as well, and the show is wonderfully well-animated. | © Netflix
Blood of Zeus is a gorgeous show that reinvigorates mythology and brings together fantasy, action, and horror. It isn't as good as Castlevania or Love, Death & Robots, but it's still great. | © Netflix
Inside Job has a great premise, satirizing conspiracy theories while delivering witty commentary on modern society. None of the characters are groundbreaking, but the writing is strong. | © Netflix
Disenchantment blends dark humor and fantasy, offering classic fairy tale tropes and rich character development. Of course, Groening was never going to be able to deliver another Simpsons, but it's a good show. | © Netflix
Love, Death & Robots is an anthology series, so every episode has a unique style of animation and a different story. No matter what your tastes, you are bound to find at least one episode each season you love. | © Netflix
Big Mouth might not be the funniest show or the most well-animated, but it's completely unique in how honestly and unashamedly it deals with puberty and growing up. We need more shows like this. | © Netflix
The Dragon Prince starts strong and gets better and better as the narrative progresses. This animation is also surprisingly great for a Netflix show. | © Netflix
Hilda is a wonderful-animated series that captures the innocence of childhood through entertaining little parables. My only complaint is that the show isn't longer. | © Netflix
Castlevania is a very adult show, so to speak, and has everything you would expect from Dracula-style anime. So if gore, tragedy, and mature content bother you, it might not be your choice. But for everyone else, we can highly recommend this show. Easily one of Netflix's best attempts at anime. | © Netflix
Arcane has a generous budget, and it isn't wasted; the animation looks superb. It simply oozes quality, and it helps that the story is so well-written. | © Netflix
The Cuphead Show! stands on the shoulders of Disney giants. It's a complete nostalgia-fest that wants to take you back to the era of Saturday morning cartoons, and it works. | © Netflix
Avatar: The Last Airbender is easily one of the best animated shows of all time, not just on Netflix. Why is it still so good? Likable and complex characters, universal themes, and deep narrative development. | © Netflix
BoJack Horseman is a show that takes depressing and difficult topics and makes them approachable for the audience. It sets up conversations that we need to have, and for that alone deserves respect. But it also helps that the show is funny, and has well-earned moments of warmth and hope. | © Netflix
Who says animated shows are for kids? Here are 15 shows that prove how wrong that is. Let's get started!
Who says animated shows are for kids? Here are 15 shows that prove how wrong that is. Let's get started!