Kai'Sa and Xayah have been the two bot lane picks at the 2023 League of Legends World Championship that most players have wanted to get their hands on, but what makes these such important picks in the current meta?

The Worlds 2023 LoL meta has been pretty stale, especially in the bot lane. Fans have been complaining about the state of the professional game right now, since most of the same champions are getting picked over and over again.
Kai'Sa and Xayah have been the two top-tier picks in the bot lane, with both receiving a majority of the attention. Xayah currently holds a 95% presence rate at the tournament while Kai'Sa has been the most picked ADC with 24-picks. So, what makes them such good picks?
LoL Worlds 2023: Xayah vs. Kai'Sa In The Bot Lane

Kai'Sa is the most picked champion at the 2023 League of Legends World Championship. She is a great dive champion, who is able to punish her opponents' carries thanks to her ultimate. She might not have the most range and isn't the best laner, but she does have great teamfighting capabilities and is able to shred through enemies.
Thanks to her ultimate she's also able to punish bad positioning on the enemy team thanks to her W and ultimate's range, meaning she can quickly dive into a fight when she sees the opportunity, almost like an assassin instead of a regular bot lane champion.
Xayah is able to escape any engage and dive with ease thanks to her ultimate, basically the complete opposite of Kai'Sa who is the one who wants to jump and dive onto enemies. So, teams will generally pick Kai'Sa if they're playing a dive comp, while Xayah is the answer to said dive since she is a very safe pick.
Support Meta Key Part Of Current ADC Picks
What causes Xayah and Kaisa to have such high presence in pro play? by u/readytofly68 in leagueoflegends
Of course, Xayah and Kai'Sa do these things all the time so it's also important to also check out the entire bot lane meta, so we have to take a look at the current state of support champions as well. While the support champion pool isn't as one dimensional as the ADC champion pool there are a few picks which players seem to prefer.
At the top of the list are Rakan and Alistar, the two prime engage supports in the current meta. When they aren't picked then Rell, Renata and Nautilus get picked. All of these are engage supports help Kai'Sa with getting backline access and can also bully out opponents which helps Xayah with placing her feathers where they need to be.
So, in the current bot lane meta, with these engage supports that also like to roam at times and help out in the mid lane, both Kai'Sa and Xayah can be quite self-sufficient thanks to their peel, meaning they can be left alone at times which is another variable that has made them quite popular.
So, a lot of factors go into the current meta, but the state of the supports and the team comps most teams are building around just work in favor of both Xayah and Kai'Sa which makes them the most picked champions at the World Championship.
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