K'Sante has become one of the best champions in League of Legends, especially after his buffs in Patch 13.21. With his win rate shooting up quickly, Riot is making sure to nerf his key ability.

K'Sante has become the most sought after top lane pick in League of Legends. Throughout the 2023 season he was creeping around the bottom of the tier lists, but after some changes in the last two patches, he's become the best pick in the entire game with a win rate well over 50%.
But it seems that he's a bit too powerful right now, hence why Riot have quickly shipped out a hotfix to adjust his power level, especially in the mid and late game.
LoL Patch 13.21: Hotfix Targets K'Sante's Q

Riot have released a quick hotfix just a day after the initial Patch 13.21 dropped to try and lower K'Sante's dueling power in the mid and late game. His Q - Ntofo Strikes has been hit with a slight nerf which will make it more difficult for him to spam his ability.
- Q - Ntofo Strikes
- Bonus Health Required For Minimum Cast Time: 1200 >>> 1600
This means that K'Sante will have to stack some more bonus health before he is able to have the shortest cast time possible.
K'Sante Adjustments and Ivern Bugfix by u/coffeeclubbr in leagueoflegends
Currently, most players are building Gargoyle's Stoneplate as a third item, but with these changes there is still going to be some bonus health missing, which means he won't be able to cap out on the Q cast time.
While the community does seem quite happy with the changes, many do suspect that Riot is going to be adding a few more adjustments to the champion in the upcoming patches. So far, his mini rework from patch 13.20 has worked wonders on the champion, but some feel he is quite overpowered right now.
Ivern Bug Fix Added In LoL Patch 13.21 Hotfix

Not only has K'Sante been nerfed, but Riot also released a quick bug fix for Ivern and the Rift Herald. The Rift Herald has been doing some weird things and ignored Daisy when she was summoned, instead focusing on Ivern instead.
This bug has been fixed with the hotfix, with the large jungle creature now also aggro-ing Daisy.
Those are the two changes Riot has shipped for this update. It's good to see that the balance team keeps an eye on K'Sante, especially with how his win rate and play rate have shot up in the last few weeks.
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