Every day, you see people complaining about their gains in solo queue. But only a small portion of players know how those are even calculated. Your gains are influenced by your Match Making Rating in correlation to your Rank. Discussions about this are always very interesting as there are multiple opinions. Now, Riot Games has announced that they will be swapping to a different system for the Season 2024.

Nobody really knows how League of Legends ELO and MMR truly works. That's why we have thousands of different opinions, and most of them are downright wrong. The only ones who really know how everything works is Riot themselves. But things are about to change. Riot has announced a new MMR System, and we might get some more information through that.
Riot Will Implement True Skill 2 In 2024
Riot Iksar has stated on Reddit that they are moving to a different proprietary system at the start of the new year, which will be riot made. This is to put newer accounts into the right skill bracket at the start of their climb. Meaning smurfs are placing higher and new players will be placing somewhere in Silver ELO. It should also make it much harder to get into a negative LP state (-30, +20).
Comment by u/Trick_Ad7122 from discussionin leagueoflegends
Iksar has stated that they will be sharing more info on that when they actually have it, and they want to see it play out first and adjust if needed.
But this wasn't everything, as after the proprietary they want to move to a whole new system called TrueSkill 2. Riot is still evaluating on TrueSkill, but it sounds promising to them.
What Is TrueSkill 2?
Reddit User u/Content_Mission5154 made a post where he summarized a paper written on TrueSkill 2.
The new system factors in KDA and other metrics to decide your MMR, not just the Win/Loss Ratio.
I read the TrueSkill2 Paper so you dont have to by u/Content_Mission5154 in leagueoflegends
He concluded 3 different takeaways. Firstly, TrueSkill2 is based of shooters where your KDA matters a lot more. In a MOBA like League of Legends, the impact would be minimal. This would likely only matter when somebody ints multiple games in a row or plays extremely well multiple games in a row.
The new system would make ranked matchmaking a lot more fair to newer players. If it automatically assumes a lower MMR to the previous system, the players get put into much lower games and therefore less frustrating situations.
The only problematic part about TrueSkill2 could be the character specific matchmaking. It works similarly as fighting games, where your skill level is evaluated on a per champion basis. This would mean that if you are a Riven One Trick and play the champion, you would play against players that are similarly good at the game as you are on Riven. This would also mean that if you first timed Fiddlesticks Toplane, in the same ELO where you would be with Riven, you would lose less LP because you are not as talented on the champion.
This is obviously a very niche error, and I'm sure Riot is going to even this out before going live with TrueSkill 2.