A champion from the hit series Arcane is going to be getting a key Visual and Gameplay Update in 2024 to align with their aesthetic of the show.

Arcane enchanted the world with the first season. Multiple League of Legends champions got to play a role in Piltover and Zaun and with Riot working on a unified canon across all their games and forms of media, some older champions will be getting a new look.
One of the Arcane champions will be on the receiving end of a VGU according to the League of Legends Season 14 starting video, but it was not specified which champion this is going to be.
LoL: Arcane Champion To Receive Huge Update In 2024

Shyvana is going to be getting a VGU in 2025, but before then and after the Skarner update, another champion is on the list for VGU's. There are quite a few older champions that got to play a huge part in Arcane, since many OG champions were the ones chosen to be part of the show.
While Ekko seems unlikely, there are quite a few we could imagine are in need of a VGU. Caitlyn received an ASU when Arcane first released, so who could the champion for a VGU be? Maybe Vi? Her kit does still hold up in 2024 so maybe just a visual update for her...

In my honest opinion, Heimderdinger or Singed could be on the list, especially with Singed being the first-ever designed champion in all of League of Legends. Heimerdinger just needs some god-damn lore and needs to be less annoying, so that's why he's on my list of candidates.
Jinx has a great kit and is super fun to play, so I don't see Riot going for the VGU route for her, but instead she is more likely in need of an ASU to freshen up her older model and visuals.