What are the best Backgrounds in Starfield? If you struggle to choose from the many different options, then this guide is perfect for you: find out which Backgrounds are best for beginners and which one fits you the best.

Just started Starfield and already completely clueless on which Background to choose? Don't worry, we've picked our top 3 Backgrounds that are especially beginner-friendly, so you can focus on exploring the universe. And don't worry, even if you do choose a "wrong" option, it doesn't really have that much of an impact on your game in the long run, it just gives you a different skill tree you can ascend.
Starfield Backgrounds: These Are The Best Picks For Beginner
There are 21 options, but which one should you choose? Depending on your play style, this varies, but the following options are just objectively more useful and more versatile to different people. You will always be able to boost your gaming performance by finding out what fits you the best, but that's practically impossible to know as a beginner. Another cool thing to consider: you will still be able to get every skill tree later in the game, so no panic.
The game has five types of Skills: Physical, Social, Combat, Science and Tech. Your Background influences which of these Skills you start out with. Just like you do, your companions also come with their own Skills, so you don't have to be an ace at everything. There will be only a limited number of skills available at the beginning, though. Also, note that you can level up your Skills up to 4 ranks.
Make your living room look like your own ship with this Xbox Starfield controller cover.
Background One: Space Scoundrel
Pistols will be your best friend in this game – so getting a damage buff will be a big advantage, especially early on. Ship Thrusters might not be the most important feature to have early in the game, but you'll surely be very glad to have the skill when harder enemies start rolling around. And persuasion – well, that's just generally really nice to have.
Starting Skill | Use | Type |
Pistol Certification | Pistols damage increases. | Combat |
Piloting | Unlocks ship thrusters. | Tech |
Persuasion | Persuation success chance increases. | Social |
Background Two: Combat Medic
This is the perfect background for players that know they might struggle with learning the game mechanics at the beginning or want to take their time. It will just be overall easier to learn combat and beat your opponents.
Starting Skill | Use | Type |
Pistol Certification | Pistols damage increases. | Combat |
Medicine | Med packs, Trauma Packs & Emergency Kits restore additional Health faster. | Science |
Wellness | Maximum health increases. | Physical |
Background Three: Cyber Runner
This is if you are just generally good at picking up new games and want to add a new layer of fun early on. Also, this is no background for diplomats, if you get this, it's your personal mission to become the biggest jerk in the universe, period. But isn't that the best part?
Starting Skill | Use | Type |
Stealth | Adds a stealth meter. You are more difficult to detect when sneaking. Suppressed weapons do additional sneak attack damage. | Physical |
Security | You can attempt to hack Advanced locks, and auto attempts can be banked. | Tech |
Theft | Unlocks Pickpocketing. | Social |
Having problems with the smoothness of your game? Then you might need to adjust your game settings. Here is a guide how to get your personal best settings: