Starfield's economy is insane. A few fans have done the math based on prices revealed in the recent showcase, and we now know that new spaceships will be bizarrely cheap in this game. At least compared to toast.

Inflation doesn't stop in-game it seems, at least not in Bethesda's upcoming Starfield. The Starfield Direct deep dive showed us a lot of fun new content. But it also gave us a glimpse into a very bizarre society.
Reddit user u/Mr_Twiddles voiced slight concerns about the in-game economy after doing some math. Apparently, spaceships are either really cheap or the food prices are astronomically high.
The Age-Old Question: Spaceship Or Toast?
Did you ever lie in bed and contemplate if you'd rather have toast or a spaceship? Yeah, me neither. Apparently the food supply is a serious concern in Starfield, though, as a whole spaceship's worth of food is only equal to 210 slices of toast.
You see, in the gameplay demo there's a ship you can get for nothing more than 7,375 credits. Good bargain, right? Or... are 210 slices of plain toast the better deal, 35 credits per slice, restoring 630 health at the end of the day? There'll be hard choices to make, it seems.
Of course, you can look up exchange rates between spaceships and different kinds of food until the cows come home, but those prices leave a sour taste in the mouth.
But who knows – maybe there's a food crisis in Starfield's universe? Or maybe the ship we saw in the gameplay is just a pile of scrap metal duct taped together and that's why it's so cheap?