In League of Legends, we already have over 160 champions, and each of them has their own powerful animation cancels and mechanics that can give you a significant advantage in the game. This guide will help you master these techniques, allowing you to outplay your opponents and climb to the elo you desire. Let's dive in and get started!

In this guide, we'll introduce you to some incredibly effective animation cancels and mechanics in League of Legends that you should learn and use to your advantage. While some of these can be applied to anyone, others are specific to certain champions. But before we delve into the details, it's crucial to understand why these animation cancels and mechanics are so vital in the game.
Why You Should Learn These OP Animation Cancels And Mechanics
In lower elo, many players tend to underestimate the importance of animation cancelling and may not realize how much it can impact their gameplay. However, this perception is incorrect. It's crucial to optimize your champion's abilities and fully exploit their potential. This includes mastering animation cancelling to maximize your effectiveness in every match.
Most of these tricks will also significantly reduce the time your opponent has to react compared to not using them. But let's put the theory aside for now. The first mechanic we'll introduce to you will serve as a perfect example of what we've been discussing.
Using Flash for Animation Cancels
There's a good reason why Flash is the most popular Summoner Spell in League of Legends, except maybe in ARAM where everyone goes for the Snowball! Flash adds a whole new level of playmaking potential to almost every champion. You can use it to initiate fights, escape tricky situations, shield your teammates, and, most importantly, reduce the waiting time for your abilities to kick in.You see, "windup time" is the time you have to wait from the moment you start using an ability until it actually activates. When you use Flash, you can basically cut down or even eliminate this "dead time."But that's not all! Flash also lets you extend the effective range of certain abilities, like Jarvan IV's E+Q combo or Vi's Q. And if you want to see something really wild, check out this clip of Zoe, using Flash three times to make her Q ability cover an insane distance:
Now, here's the smart player's move: in any situation where you're going to use both your Flash and an ability, it's always more efficient to cast the ability first and then Flash immediately afterward, rather than doing it the other way around.Great examples of this strategy are champions like Kennen or Sejuani. They can engage with their ultimate ability (R) and cancel the animation, making their moves much harder for opponents to predict, because there's less time for the enemy to react to your sudden actions. It's all about keeping your enemies on their toes!
5 OP Champion's Animation Cancels
Now, let's shift our focus to Darius and his Q ability. This time, it's not about canceling an animation, but rather about using it in a more efficient and effective manner.

Take Darius, for example. His Q ability has a relatively long casting time, but you can use it in a clever way. Try using your Q first and then Flash to reposition yourself. This way, you can smack your opponent with the edge of your blade, dealing more damage and getting some healing in return. It's a surefire way to land your Q exactly where you want it, and it's much trickier for your enemy to predict your move.
Yasuo has a plethora of animation-canceling tricks, especially when combined with Flash. However, I'll share with you the most crucial one that every Yasuo main should master. Hopefully, there aren't too many of you Yasuo enthusiasts out there!

Yasuo is known for having one of the highest skill caps in the game. Typically, a Yasuo player would flash and then use EQ to get within range of the enemy. But if you want to step up your game and be better than the average player, here's a slick move for you:
- Make sure your Q ability's knock-up is ready.
- Use EQ to dash to a minion.
- Immediately flash to reposition the knock-up.
- By changing the location of the knock-up, you can now unleash your ultimate on your enemy.
It might take some practice to master, but once you get the hang of it, it's definitely worth it for making those epic plays!
Lee Sin
Lee Sin is arguably the most popular combo champion in League of Legends, and there's a good reason for that. His significant presence in esports is largely attributed to his incredible play making potential. In fact, the "inSec" move, named after a retired esports player, is one of the defining mechanics associated with Lee Sin.

This combo allows you to pull off some amazing plays by strategically repositioning your opponents to your advantage. Rather than trying to explain how it works, it's much easier to grasp through a combo guide, so check out this video:
Remember, there are numerous other insane combos you can perform with Lee Sin, but this one might just be the most essential for mastering the champion.
Just like every other champion on this list, Akali is a high-skill mechanical champion with a set of intricate and impressive combos.

The most crucial technique, however, is turning your E skill shot into a targeted ability. Surprisingly, it's not even that difficult! Here's how you can do it:
- Use your R1 on your enemy.
- Keep your cursor precisely over your opponent.
- Spam the E key while dashing with your R1.
- By doing this, your E will land right on top of your target.
With a guaranteed hit from your E, you can devastate your enemies, creating the perfect combo for a kill. You can finish off your opponent by using E and immediately casting R2 to execute them.
For a clearer understanding, check out this short clip:
Caitlyn may not be the most complex champion, but to truly unleash her power, you need to master the art of perfectly placing her W ability. It might seem simple to learn, but it's quite challenging to get right because its hitbox is quite small and can be tricky to land accurately.

Since her W has a range of 800 and her E (caliber net) has a range of 750, you can cleverly combine them. You can E into your W animation, using the net to slow your opponent by 50 percent for 1 second, ensuring your trap hits and giving you a double headshot opportunity.Another cool animation cancel you can pull off with Caitlyn is E-ing and immediately Q-ing, effectively blending the casting time of your Q with your E.By combining these two mechanics, you can execute incredible one-shot combos with her, delivering two headshots and a guaranteed Q hit.
Here's another trick: You can auto-attack and instantly cast W afterward to hide a small part of your trap animation. This might take some practice to master because you also need to predict your enemy's movements.
And if you're still hungry for more Caitlyn combos and plays, check out this video:
Congratulations! You've reached the end of this guide, and now you're armed with knowledge about powerful animation cancels and mechanics. Great job!
If you're interested in exploring more animation and cancel guides in general, be sure to check out the video below: