Hogwarts Legacy has rideable mounts, which is fantastic. But exactly which creatures can we ride in the new Harry Potter RPG? A lot more than you might think. You can find all the mounts in Hogwarts Legacy below.

Hogwarts Legacy will see players exploring every nook and cranny of the castle, from the Room of Requirements to the girl's bathroom on the second-floor (although, if you can't speak Parseltongue, don't bother). But what some of you might not know is that we'll get to explore the wizarding world outside Hogwarts too. This is truly an open-world game, complete with enemy strongholds and iconic locations. And how are we going to explore it all? Mounts.
Yep, mounts are a big feature of Hogwarts Legacy, and we'll explain how below. Even more excitingly, we can already share with you the list of mounts that can be confirmed!
Mounts In Hogwarts Legacy
Here you can find all the mounts that we've been able to confirm. These are the mounts that will 100% appear in Hogwarts Legacy. Hogwarts Legacy mounts are creatures in the game, which are some of the most iconic creatures in the Wizarding World. There are different mounts such as the Hippogriff, Thestral, and Graphorn.To obtain a mount, you'll need to explore the Hogwarts Legacy map and complete specific tasks or missions. Once you have a mount, it will be added to your collection in the Vivarium in the Room of Requirement. The Vivarium has limited space, and players can only keep four species at any given time.
However, players can unlock additional Vivariums to house more creatures by completing specific side missions. To keep your mounts in good shape, you will need to feed and groom them using spells, and in return, you'll receive resources such as feathers and fur that can be used to upgrade your gear or make traits at The Loom. If you end up with too many creatures, you can sell the extra animals to the store in Hogsmeade called Brood and Peck. Overall, having a Hogwarts Legacy mount will make traveling easier, and taking care of these fantastic beasts will reward players with resources and add to the overall experience of the game.
Hogwarts Legacy Mounts: Broom & How To Upgrade
We'll start with the basic "mount". We know that most of you will find this boring and will want a magical creature for a mount as soon as possible, but we all need to start somewhere. You can think of your broom as your default, first-level mount.
To obtain a broom, you will have to advance in the main storyline until you complete the quest called Jackdaw's Rest, where you will discover the Map Chamber located beneath Hogwarts.
Hogwarts Legacy: All Main Quests, Side Quests and Assignments To Finish Your Studies
After finishing the Jackdaw's Rest quest, you will receive an invitation to attend your first Flying Class. Once you have completed the two tasks assigned by Madam Kagawa, you will fly around the castle with Everett Clopton.
Once you have completed your Flying Class, use the fast travel feature to go to Hogsmeade and head to the Spintwitches Sporting Needs shop, located opposite Ollivanders.
(If you have tried to access the shop before attending your first Flying Class, you will find that it is closed.)
Speak to Albie Weekes inside and examine the available brooms for purchase, each of which costs 600 Gold.
If you do not have enough gold, you can sell some of your unused equipment or visit Gladrags Wizardwear and open the Eye Chest using the Disillusionment Charm to quickly earn 500 Gold.
In addition to obtaining your first broom, it will also activate the side quest "Flight Test" from Mr. Weekes. He will suggest that you meet with Iselda Reyes at the Quidditch Pitch.
After talking to Iselda, she will challenge you to a time trial where you need to fly and pass through rings starting from the Quidditch Pitch and ending at a cove near the Hogsmeade Station. While hitting all 22 rings is not necessary, missing one ring will reduce your time by 3 seconds.
Here is a more detailed video for every broom matter!
The golden bubbles between the rings will give you a speed boost, so there's no need to use your manual boost.
In addition, popping a bubble will fully restore your manual boost, so be sure to take advantage of it.
Once you have beaten Iselda's record, return to Mr. Weekes to complete the quest.
Later on, he will send you a message via the Owl Post to inform you that the broom upgrade is ready. After speaking to him once more, you will have the option to purchase the upgrade for 1,000 Gold.

Hogwarts Legacy Mounts: Thestral
Thestrals are certainly more-impressive than brooms, but they won't be the best mounts in the game. Still, if you want to make your character dark and mysterious than this could be the perfect choice. For those unaware, Thestrals are intrinsically tied to death and the afterlife.
As Hermione explains:
Rubeus Hagrid: "Don' worry, it won' hurt yeh. Righ', now, who can tell me why some o' you can see them an' some can't? Go on then."Hermione Granger: "The only people who can see thestrals are people who have seen death."
Or in the case of Hogwarts Legacy, only those who have pre-ordered can see them.
Here's what they're going to look like in Hogwarts Legacy:

Pretty damn cool, especially if you're fond of a gothic aesthetic.
If you own either the Deluxe or Collector's edition of Hogwarts Legacy or purchase the "The Dark Arts" pack after launch, you will gain access to the Thestral mount.
You can change to this mount by accessing the Mounts section in the Gear menu. If you pre-ordered the game, you will also have the option to switch to Caligo, the other Hippogriff that you rescue during the "The High Keep" quest. Both of these mounts will be unlocked at the same time as Highwing if you have access to them.
But there is another way, this video shows you:
Hogwarts Legacy Mounts: Hippogriff
Hippogriffs will be among the "high-end" mounts available in Hogwarts Legacy, capable of break-neck speeds. For those who might have forgotten, this is the creature Harry rides in Prisoner of Azkaban, they're basically one third lion, one third eagle, and one third horse. Although, that particular Hippogriff, Buckbeak, won't yet have been born.
Here's what these mounts will look like in Hogwarts Legacy:
In Hogwarts Legacy, you'll have to be patient to experience flying a Hippogriff. Although you will encounter and interact with Hippogriffs throughout the game, including in the Beasts Class, you won't be able to fly one until later. Once you have obtained the magical bag from Deek to collect beasts and learned the Wingardium Leviosa spell as part of a class assignment, you will embark on a quest with Natty called The High Keep.During this quest, you will need to break out two captive Hippogriffs as you escape from a base. After a safe landing, you will retain the Hippogriff you rescued.
Hogwarts Legacy Mounts: Graphorn
You will obtain the Graphorn mount by progressing through the main story of the game. It is not possible to miss it, you just have to be patient and continue to progress through the main quests.

To obtain a Graphorn mount, you must participate in San Bakar's Trial and successfully complete it. This quest involves defeating the Graphorn, and upon doing so, it will be given to you as a mount. The fight can be challenging, as the Graphorn's attacks are quick and it becomes more aggressive once its health drops below 50%. Timing is crucial in this battle.
During the fight, it's best to prioritize dodging over attacking. If you don't, you may have to repeat the trial a few times.
It is important to use any potions and cast your strongest spells. During the fight, there will be a specific point where a cutscene will appear, presenting you with the option to attack or kneel.
Make sure you pick your mount wisely!We're all a fan of great books and films becoming great games, but what about the other way around...