Hogwarts Legacy's quests and so-called assignments are plentiful and you need to finish them to get through the game. Here are all the game's main- and side quests, as well as all assignments, in chronological order.

What you need the most for your magic studies in Hogwarts Legacy are the main quests, side quests, and assignments. In total there are 42 main story quests, 57 side quests and 12 assignments. So all in all 111 quests for you to complete in the game. Not too shabby.
Hogwarts Legacy Wands: Wood Types, Cores & Customization
Keep in mind that a few side quests and assignments are also mandatory to advance the story. So don't skip anything! The links at the quests will take you YouTube videos, which walk you through the whole thing and save you the trouble of searching.
If you are still a beginner, check out this article first:
Ten Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Hogwarts Legacy
All Hogwarts Legacy Main Quests
1. Prologue
2. Attend Your First Day at Hogwarts
- Welcome to Hogwarts
- Charms Class
- Defence Against the Dark Arts Class
- Weasley After Class
- Professor Ronen’s Assignment
- Welcome to Hogsmeade
3. Find the Secret in the Restricted Section
- The Locket’s Secret
- Professor Hecat’s Assignment 1 Crossed Wands: Round 1 + 2 (counts as side quest)
- Spell Combination Practice 1 (counts as side quest but is mandatory for Professor Hecat’s Assignment I)
- Secrets of the Restricted Section
- Tomes and Tribulations
4. Live as a Student Until Professor Fig Returns

5. Tell Professor Fig About the Map Chamber
- Ollivander’s Heirloom (Ravenclaw) / The Hunt for the Missing Pages (Gryffindor) / Prisoner of Love (Hufflepuff) / Scrope’s Last Hope (Slytherin)
- Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2
- Jackdaw’s Rest
6. Complete the First Keeper Trial
7. Improve Your Magical Abilities to Access the Next Trial
8. Prepare For Your Search For the Next Keeper
9. Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper
- Beasts Class
- The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament
- The Helm of Urtkot
- In the Shadow of the Estate
- The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and the Loo
- Astronomy Class
- Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1
- The High Keep
- Back on the Path
- Charles Rookwood’s Trial
10. Stop Ranrok and Rookwood
- Fire and Vice
- Professor Weasley’s Assignment
- In the Shadow of the Mine
- It’s All Gobbledegook
- The Headmistress Speaks
- The Polyjuice Plot
- Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial
11. Prepare for Your O.W.L.S.
12. Stop Ranrok
13. Prepare for Your O.W.L.S. – Post-Story Quests
- Weasley’s Watchful Eye
- The House Cup
Side Quests
I hope you can enjoy the side quests to the fullest and don't have to search for them for a long time, thanks to the linked YouTube videos! Have fun in the nostalgic universe of Hogwarts!
You can discover so many great things here, so don't miss out on any of it.
- A Demanding Delivery
- A Friend in Deed
- Absconder Encounter
- All's Well That Ends Bell
- A Thief in the Night
- Beeting a Curse
- Birds of a Feather
- Breaking Camp
- Brother’s Keeper
- Cache in the Castle
- Carted Away
- Crossed Wands: Round 1
- Crossed Wands: Round 2
- Crossed Wands: Round 3
- Cursed Tomb
- Dissending for Sweets
- E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre
- Flight Test

- Flying off the Shelves
- Follow the Butterflies
- Ghost of our Love
- Gobs of Gobstones
- History of Magic Class
- Interior Decorating
- Kidnapped Cabbage
- Like a Moth to a Frame
- Mer-Ky Depths
- Minding Your Own Business
- Portrait in a Pickle
- Rescuing Rocoo
- Sacking Selwyn
- Solved by the Bell
- Spell Combination Practice 1
- Spell Combination Practice 2
- Summoner’s Court: Match 1

- Sweeping the Competition
- Take the Biscuit
- The Hall of Herodiana
- The Hippogriff Marks The Spot
- The Lost Astrolabe
- The Plight of the House-Elf
- The Sky Is the Limit
- The Tale of Rowland Oakes
- The Unique Unicorn
- Troll Control
- Venomous Revenge
- Venomous Valour
- Well, Well, Well
Don't forget your professors' tasks! They are very important for your progress in the game as a wizard or witch.
- Madam Kogawa’s Assignment 1
- Madam Kogawa’s Assignment 2
- Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1
- Professor Garlick’s Assignment 2
- Professor Hecat’s Assignment 1
- Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2
- Professor Howin’s Assignment
- Professor Onai’s Assignement
- Professor Sharp’s Assignment 1
- Professor Sharp’s Assignment 2
- Professor Ronen’s Assignment
- Professor Weasley’s Assignment