Choosing your wand in Hogwarts Legacy wand is one of the first things to do in the popular Harry Potter RPG. That's not a surprise. Wands in Hogwarts Legacy offer some great customization options – here's a complete guide to help you with your selection.

Hogwarts Legacy is massive, and one of the most significant parts of your kit is your wand, of course. Whether you opt for Unicorn Hair, Phoenix Feather or Dragon Heartstring is entirely up to you, but to help you make the choice, we've provided a complete overview of wands in Hogwarts Legacy here.
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Hogwarts Legacy: How To Get A Wand
Okay, big spoiler alert for the Hogwarts Legacy story ahead. Still here? Then we can reveal how you get a wand in Hogwarts Legacy .
You start with a hand-me-down wand that belonged to someone else, but quite early in the game you have a quest to go and buy your own from the Hogsmeade branch of Ollivanders. And during this ceremony, you can just choose the kind of wand you want. You can choose the shape of the wand, the type of wood, the length, the flexibility, and the core.
We're hyped for the wands, but the mounts have taken us to a new level of excitement:
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Wand Making In Hogwarts Legacy
When choosing your wand, you get to customize it completely to your liking. Be aware that all changes are purely cosmetic and there are no stats attached to any of your wand's attributes; but be also aware that you'll use your wand all the time, so you should at least put some effort in customizing it to something that you actually like.
By style, they mean shape and color. This is purely cosmetic and will have no effect on the wand. Here are the options:
- Notched
- Classic
- Soft Spiral
- Spiral
- Stalk
- Ringed
- Crooked Spiral
- Natural
And for each of these shapes there are three separate colors to choose from, which are all variations of gray and brown. We expect "Ringed" will be the most popular shape because it looks slightly similar to the Elder Wand:

Wood Type, Length & Flexibility
The "Wood Type" category confusingly encompasses both the literal wood type (ash, oak, and so on) as well as the length and flexibility of the wand. There's a whopping 36 different types of wood to choose from.
- Acacia
- Alder
- Apple
- Ash
- Aspen
- Beech
- Blackthorn
- Black Walnut
- Cedar
- Cherry
- Chestnut
- Cypress
- Dogwood
- Ebony
- Elder
- Elm
- English Oak
- Fir
- Hawthorn
- Hazel
- Holly
- Hornbeam
- Larch
- Laurel
- Maple
- Pear
- Pine
- Poplar
- Red Oak
- Redwood
- Rowan
- Silver Lime
- Spruce
- Sycamore
- Vine
- Walnut
- Willow
- Yew
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For length, you can just pick anything between 9.5 inches (24 cm) and 14.5 inches (37 cm). And for flexibility, it's a similar story; you can just pick what you want on a sliding scale that goes from "Unyielding" to "Quite Bendy".
Wand Handle
One last bit of customization for your wands are the handles. These little ornaments are collectible items, which you can find in chests or get as rewards for completing quests. Here are all handles (we bolded the ones you get as quest rewards):
- Arrow – Black (reward for completing "Brother’s Keeper")
- Arrow – Brown
- Arrow – Pink Swirl
- Avian – Beige
- Avian – Brown
- Avian – Grey (reward for completing "Flying off the Shelves")
- Basketweave – Black
- Basketweave – Blue
- Basketweave – Red
- Botanical – Bronze Leaf
- Botanical – Gold Leaf
- Botanical – Silver Leaf
- Celestial – Blue
- Celestial – Dark Grey
- Celestial – Light Grey
- Checkerboard – Blue
- Checkerboard – Brown (reward for completing "Absconder Encounter")
- Checkerboard – Teal
- Column – Beige (reward for completing "E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre")
- Column – Dark Brown
- Column – Teal and Brown
- Corkscrew – Brown
- Corkscrew – Light and Dark Brown
- Corkscrew – Teal Blue
- Imperial – Grey and Silver
- Imperial – Grey and Bronze
- Imperial – Brown and Gold
- Orbicular – Brown
- Orbicular – Gold
- Orbicular – Violet (reward for completing "Gobs of Gobstones")
- Regal – Black
- Regal – Blue
- Regal – Pink
- Sabre – Ash Brown
- Sabre – Brown
- Sabre – Grey
- Shell – Grey
- Shell – Honey Brown
- Shell – Metallic
- Swirl – Brown
- Swirl – Dark Grey
- Swirl – Lilac
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The core of a wand is effectively what "charges" the wand. Here are the three options to choose from:
- Unicorn Hair: Known for producing consistent magic.
- Phoenix Feather: Capable of producing a great range of different magic.
- Dragon Heartstring: Known for producing powerful magic.
Keep in mind that also this selection is only cosmetic, although the different descriptions in the game suggest it to have impact on your magic – it has not.
Once you've chosen your core, you've made your wand. Time to start learning all those spells in Hogwarts Legacy!
What's The Best Wand In Hogwarts Legacy?
Since the wand selection is fully cosmetic, there is no real best wand at all, so you can for example go with a Dragon Heartstring core, and whichever cosmetic options look best to you. Personally, we opt for a ringed, brown, Blackthorn wand, which is 13 inches long and solid (it's very difficult to describe wands without making them sound phallic).
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The ringed wand just looks cool, and Blackthorn is the tree that's most associated with witches and magic in English folklore, so it feels appropriate.
And there you have it folks, your complete overview of wands in Hogwarts Legacy. Which wand will you make? Have you even decided on your house yet? If not, you might want to read this piece first on the differences between Hogwarts Houses.