CS2 has been out now for a week. And whilst we enjoy the new graphics of the game, we'd love to see some more game modes we had in CS:GO to make a return in Counter-Strike 2. Here's our Top 5 of modes we want to play again on the new Counter-Strike.

Counter-Strike 2's release has been a bit underwhelming to a lot of people in the community. The game feels a bit unfinished, and a lot of game modes from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive haven't found their way into CS2 yet. Valve have clearly put the focus on the ranked and competitive modes and have thereby forgotten some of the more fun and beginner modes from CS:GO.
Here are our top 5 game modes we would love to see in Counter-Strike 2.
The Top 5 Game Modes We Need For CS2
Playing the reworked Premier Mode is fun, for sure, but CS:GO did offer a lot of different game modes in CS. We hope that Valve is working on bringing most of those modes back to CS2, but we don't know for certain.

Operations are fun. They bring in plenty of cool challenges to complete on official servers and in private servers in the form of a face-off against bots. The better you perform, the more points you get. The more points you have, the better the rewards will be.
It is quite likely, that we will get an operation for CS2. Valve knows, that the community is always hungry for some new, time-limited content. And they make a ton of money with those operations, and Valve loves money, as we all know.
Workshop Maps

Workshop maps are community-made maps that offer a vast variety of cool modes. Some were there to practice your smokes, your crosshair placement, your spray, or your movement. Other maps were tools for changing your crosshair, viewmodel, HUD, or radar. Furthermore, there were plenty of cool maps with game modes like heists, surf maps, movement maps, 2v2 and 5v5 maps, basically everything you could imagine.
Valve made the map building tool a lot better for CS2 and the first maps can be found on the workshop, but starting them isn't as simple as in CS:GO. So we will probably see a better integration of the workshop and its maps into CS2 in the coming weeks. (hopefully, please Valve)
Community Servers

More community made stuff! Community servers offered a great amount of different game modes to explore. From Warmup and Deathmatch servers to Retake servers and surf or kz servers. For every mode you wanted, there was a server for it. It's basically everything you could do from workshop maps, but with voice chats. Remember, when a professional beatboxer showed off his skills on a surf server?
Whilst community server integration is possible, we still need to wait for some more weeks until the big servers reopen for CS2. Since the tool used for Server Creation changed drastically and the server owners didn't get access to it prior to the release of CS2, most of the servers are getting set up for CS2 at the moment.
Danger Zone

When Battle Royales like Fortnite, H1Z1 and PUBG were at their peak, Valve introduced Danger Zone, their version of a Battle Royale for CS:GO. With the inclusion of Danger Zone, CS:GO became free-to-play and has been ever since. This mode offered a new challenge, new maps, new items, and a new ranking system for players to explore.
At this point in time, we don't know if Danger Zone will find its way into CS2, since it was one of the less frequently-played modes towards the end of CS:GO. So if Valve plans on bringing it back, it'll be relatively low on their prio-list.
War Games

Last, but definitely not least, the War Games. An easy-to-understand and quick-to-play game mode, offering the games “Demolition”, “Arms Race” and “Flying Scoutsman”. You'll learn the fundamentals of Counter-Strike rather quick with Arms Race setting to focus on gun play, Demolition on tactics and Flying Scoutsman on movement. Just great game modes for beginners.
Since CS2 will attract a new audience of players who might not even have touched a shooter before, including those game modes should be a necessity for Valve and, I really hope, we'll see them in the upcoming weeks.
That's our five picks for game modes we would love to see in Counter-Strike 2.
What's your thoughts on the game modes? And which would you like to see in Counter-Strike 2?