In Baldur's Gate 3 you will eventually get your hands on a broken Moon Lantern. But how can you fix it? And which purpose does it have anyway? Here's everything you need to know!

Baldur's Gate 3 is full of important items and difficult quest lines, along with smaller ones that might not matter to everyone. The "Broken Moon Lantern" is one of those things you'll cherish, once you understand how important it is.
At the first glance, the item "Broken Moon Lantern" doesn't seem important at all. But as you move forward in the story, you'll notice how mandatory this key item really is.
But which purpose does it held, and how can you fix it? This little guide will tell you just that!
Baldur's Gate 3: Location Of Broken Moon Lantern

As you journey through the eerie and shadowy Underdark, you'll eventually reach Grymforge and encounter True Soul Nere. To move the story forward, you'll have to defeat him, and there are various ways to accomplish that!
If you go straightforward to him after your arrival, you need to face him head on. But if you take a Long Rest, explore the whole area, he will eventually die because of a cave-in, while trapped in a poisonous room.
No matter how you kill him, he will drop the "Broken Moon Lantern" and you'll find out from the First Druid Halsin that this Lantern is used in the Shadow-Cursed Lands to keep the Shadows away.
But it's broken and of no use for you. Unfortunately, you can't repair this one either, as the Pixie inside vanished. Once a Pixie is gone, the magical aura disappears, and it cannot be repaired.
Baldur's Gate 3: Other Possible Ways Of Getting A Working Lantern

So, with this useless Broken Moon Lantern out of the way, we have another question that needs to be answered. Where do you find a working Moon Lantern? So it happens that you actually find one in the Shadow-Cursed Lands themselves.
While moving around, make sure every character (Shadowheart doesn't need it) has either a torch equipped or is engulfed in a radiant light from your weapons, like the Mace you get after solving the "Blood of Lathander" quest line.
After reaching the Last Light Inn, Isobel will cast a holy light onto your party, and you can move around, without having to fear the shadows. However, in the darkest areas of the Shadow-Cursed Lands, her holy magic won't work, so the Moon Lantern becomes necessary.
But fear not, the Harpers will tell you where to find a working one. After you acquired one, either through a fight or talking your way out of the situation, you will encounter your first Pixie! Talking your way out has a major entertaining but also dark value, try it!
Baldur's Gate 3: How To Handle The Pixie

Once you have the Lantern, you will come in contact with the Pixie inside. You have two choices: release the fairy or use the Lantern with the fairy inside. It's better to set the Pixie free, as you get a valuable item from her – It's dangerous to go alone, take this. This item is safer and more powerful than the Moon Lantern.
With that, you're able to move around freely, without any issues, except for powerful enemies lurking in the shadows!