The “A Life's Work” side quest in Assassin's Creed Mirage will challenge you with finding three pages from a scholar's life's work. Here is how to start the mission and where to find the missing pages.

In Assassin's Creed Mirage, “A Life's Work” is a Tale of Baghdad quest in the Abbasiyah district. Your task is to help an aging scholar, Al-Mahani, retrieve three pages of his life's work. Let's break down how to start this quest and find all three pages.
AC Mirage A Life's Work: How To Find The 3 Pages
Begin your journey at the Observatory viewpoint in Abbasiyah, where you'll find Al-Mahani on a bench. He's in poor health and has two requests: to speak with his son and recover his life's work pages. Start by finding the pages before his son.
Locating The 3 Pages
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to locate the 3 pages.
Page on the Roof

The first page is on the roof of a nearby building. To reach it, follow these steps:
- Look for a thick rope tied between a pole and a balcony.
- Climb the rope, traverse the lattice wall, and hop over the iron fence onto a bookshelf.
- Move a nearby piece of furniture to the other side of the building.
- Climb the furniture to reach the roof, where you'll find the first page.
Page Blowing in the Wind

The second page is mobile and moves around the building. Use Eagle Vision to track it. The paper follows a clockwise path, so anticipate its movement and intercept it when you spot it.
Page Inside Al-Mahani's Home

The final page is challenging to reach. Follow these steps:
- Go to the back of the building and locate a window with gaps between the bars.
- Find movable furniture nearby and push it as close to the window as possible.
- Climb on top of the shelf and aim your knife through the window at the plank barricading the door. Throw the knife to break the barricade.
- Enter Al-Mahani's home and find the last page on a table on the second floor.
- Don't forget to loot Al-Mahani's treasure chest in the corner of the room.
Outcome of Your Choice
Unfortunately, Al-Mahani passes away while you retrieve the pages. His son, “Al-Mahani's Son,” confronts you. You have two dialogue choices:
“The treatise mattered most.”
“You mattered most.”
Your choice doesn't significantly impact much of anything except for the last cutscene of this mission. If you select the first option, Al-Mahani's son will be mad at you, if you opt for the second choice, he'll be mad at his father. Either way, you'll receive a skill point, and the “A Life's Work” Tale of Baghdad quest will conclude.