In stealth games like Assassin's Creed Mirage, eavesdropping is a crucial mechanic to know and use. With Assassin's Creed Mirage being more like the old games, stealth has become even more important. And therefore eavesdropping is more relevant than in the last games. Here's how you can execute an eavesdrop.

Eavesdropping in Assassin's Creed Mirage is a vital skill, especially for stealth missions. This guide will walk you through the steps to become a master eavesdropper in the game.
Step 1: Find the Right Spot
First, you need to locate the perfect hiding spot before you can start eavesdropping. Look for haystacks or benches. Just crouching or standing behind a wall won't work here, you must be in one of these designated spots.
Step 2: Use Eagle Vision
To discover available conversations, use Eagle Vision. It will highlight conversations you can listen to. Keep in mind that some may be too far away, so you'll need to find a hiding spot closer to the action.
Step 3: Nestle In
Once you're in your hiding spot, lock onto the characters engaged in the conversation. This action will trigger the eavesdropping mechanic.
Remember, silence is golden when eavesdropping. Any disturbances or alerting the guards can ruin your covert operation. So, find your spot, stay quiet, and become a true Hidden One in Assassin's Creed Mirage.
Happy eavesdropping!