The first teasers for Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 have surfaced! According to several dataminers, the new season will have a spy/heist theme. We have the details for you.

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 starts in a few days, so it's no surprise that more and more leaks about the new season are appearing online.
And it seems that the new island will now have a "heist theme"! We have everything you need to know about it.
Heist Theme Teased For Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4
Many may have already noticed that the landmark "The Apparatus" in the east of Rumble Ruins recently has a large,telescope-like structure on its top, emitting a pink laser beam into the sky.
The beam shows an astral map that predicts a blood moon eclipse.
This has led many players to believe that Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 could be very dark, especially considering that Halloween and the annual Fortnitemares event will take place in October.
On August 20, the official Fortnite Twitter account finally gave fans some new information about the upcoming season. They changed their profile and header images and posted infrared images that teased the first Battle Pass skin and a new POI. The images are characterized by red laser beams, reminiscent of typical spy movies.
About the POI image, they wrote the following words:
Cameras, guards, vaults, and the best team in the business. Are you in?
Cameras, guards, vaults, and the best team in the business.Are you in?
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) August 20, 2023
Players quickly analyzed the image and found, among other things, a drum gun locked in a vault. It seems that there are three small stands in the vault, and if the drum gun is in one of the stands, other rare weapons might be in the other stands. These weapons must be rare if they are locked up, so they could be mythic weapons.
Leaker iFireMonkey has published a list of weapons that will return to the game in Chapter 4 Season 4:
TNTinas Ka-Boom Bow is set to be one of the unvaulted Mythics for Chapter 4 - Season 4 (VIA @andredotuasset)Other returning mythics I had previously leaked returning are:- Gunnar's Stinger SMG- The Foundation's MK-Seven AR- Zyg and Choppy's Ray Gun- Overclocked Pulse Rifle...
— iFireMonkey (@iFireMonkey) August 20, 2023
In general, it is quite possible that the season will be similar to the Top Secret theme of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2.
Chapter 4 Season 4 starts on August 25. We don't yet know exactly how the blood moon eclipse will relate to the spy/heist theme, but as soon as we get more details, we'll of course inform you.