Well, Chapter 3 Season 2 started off with a bang, that's for sure. Right at the start of the new season Epic Games has removed one of the games core elements. You're not going to be able to build anymore. Find out why that is right here.

Building has been deactivated in Fortnite! Chapter 3 Season 2 started off in the biggest way possible. There are so many questions we have about that. Simply: Why? And is it going to be permanent? Will we never see those crazy battles high in the sky ever again? Here is everything that we know so far.
Fortnite Creator HYPEX dropped a bomb yesterday. He tweeted about the upcoming season, and really showed why he is one of the most well known leakers. Building has been deactivated from the start of the season. This seems to be part of the narrative that Epic Games is building inside the game. Apparently, this huge change is part of the battle between the IO and the Seven.
How Will This Affect Gameplay?
Well, we're here to find out. Most of us think that it is going to fundamentally change the way we play the game. Epic is aware of that and is providing some new mechanics in order to balance out the gameplay that we'll experience in this new season. Check out this cinematic trailer that Epic Games uploaded on YouTube:
Towards the end of the trailer we also see what will be the grim reality this season. All structures that players created suddenly vanished. But what do we get in return? Players will from now on have a regenerative shield on top of their usual health bar and blue life. The overall movement has gotten a big revamp as well. You'll now move even faster and doors are not slowing you down anymore! You'll be able to bash them in with your shoulder or just slide through them.
The biggest change is probably the addition of proper parkour. Those elements will make it a lot easier and more dynamic to move across the island even though you're not able to build to climb obstacles anymore. The coming weeks will show, how that affects the general gameplay. We'll keep you updated on all news and changes coming with Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2.
How Long Will This Last?
As far as we know, this isn't going to last forever. Epic themselves haven't put an exact timeframe on the proceedings for Chapter 3 Season 2, but most people believe it is going to last for about nine days. As this event is part of the narrative about the resistance against the Imagined Order, that means as soon as we'll be able to build again, we'll also get news about the resistance's fight against the order as well. Who knows, if players like the new "no-building" feature, we might even get an alternative game mode since the movement revamps like the parkour elements are probably going to be permanent.