EA adds new Icon Squad Building Challenges on a regular basis in FUT. Unfortunately, we can't complete every one of them – that would be just too expensive. So check out the best Icon SBCs in FIFA 23 and which one is worth the coins and fodder. With Roy Keane, we see another number one!

Icon SBCs give us the opportunity to get one of the legendary Icons for our FUT squads. In the past few weeks and months of FIFA 23 we've seen SBCs for Paolo Maldini, Jairzinho and Zinedine Zidane. Real difference makers for almost every team.
The Icon SBCs are a great way to get rid of collected fodder. But choose your Icons wisely because not every SBC is as good as it seems. We show you which Icon SBC you should complete.
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Icon SBCs In FIFA 23
Props to EA, they really gave us some nice SBCs for Icons so far. Obviously, there is a huge difference between those "gambling SBCs" and "player SBCs". You know, the 89+ Icon SBCs where you can never be sure if Michael Laudrup or Prime R9 will come out of it – or just the specific SBCs for an Icon à la Carlos Alberto, Johan Cruyff or Hugo Sánchez.
Live Icon SBCs: Prices And Expiry Dates
The full list of all current Icon SBCs in FIFA 23. You can find our recommendations directly below.
Note that the prices in FUT fluctuate constantly and can therefore increase significantly just a few hours after the release of a new SBC. You can find the current prices on futbin.
CF, ST | Raúl | 93 (Trophy Titans) | 15/07/2023 | 540.000 |
RB, RWB, CB | Carlos Alberto | 93 (Prime) | 07/07/2023 | 610.000 |
LM, RM, ZOM, LF | Robert Pires | 92 (TOTY) | 14/07/2023 | 548.000 |
ZM | Roy Keane | 93 (Trophy Titans) | 07/07/2023 | 394.000 |
CDM, CM | Gennaro Gattuso | 92 (FUT Birthday) | 07/01/2023 | 378.000 |
LW, LM, CAM, CF | Rivaldo | 93 (FUT Birthday) | 06/25/2023 | 1.38 M |
CF, CAM, ST | Johan Cruyff | 91 (Mid) | 05/31/2023 | 1.88 M |
CAM, CM, LM | Gheorghe Hagi | 90 (WC) | 05/28/2023 | 116.000 |
CB | Nemanja Vidić | 90 (Prime) | 05/26/2023 | 204.000 |
RB, RWB, LB | Gianluca Zambrotta | 89 (Prime) | 05/26/2023 | 459.000 |
LW, LM, CAM | John Barnes | 89 (Prime) | 05/26/2023 | 115.000 |
ST, CF | Gary Lineker | 90 (WC) | 05/26/2023 | 49.000 |
ST, CF | Didier Drogba | 90 (WC) | 05/25/2023 | 537.000 |
ST, CF | Fernando Torres | 91 (Prime) | 05/18/2023 | 454.000 |
CM, CDM | Xabi Alonso | 92 (TOTY) | 04/28/2023 | 367.000 |
ST, CF | Hugo Sánchez | 93 (TOTY) | 04/21/2023 | 612.000 |
The Best FUT Icon SBCs – Keane Is The New #1
Which Icons should you complete? Only the best ones! We tell you, who is among the better Icon SBCs.
Number 6: Gennaro Gattuso (FUT Birthday Icon)
Gennaro Gattuso is simply a beast on the pitch – if you're missing an extremely aggressive defensive midfielder in FUT and want to have one more legend in your starting XI, he's your go-to-guy!
At 400,000 coins (without any fodder), this SBC's price is pretty fair, and the Italian doesn't look that bad either. His AcceleRATE type is controlled, which is pretty good right now – you can also make him lengthy with some chemistry styles. On top of that, his defending and physicality stats, combined with this great reactions (96) are awesome!

Number 5: Johan Cruyff (Mid Icon)
The only reason why we haven't ranked Johan Cruyff even higher on this list is his price – the SBC is one of the most expensive in the game. Don't get us wrong, though, the price is pretty fair for an Icon of his magnitude, but at the end of the day, 2 million coins are 2 million coins.
We expect him to be the Jairzinho SBC 2.0, which means that you're going to see a lot of him during your next Weekend League games. Try not to get mad... at least he's one of the greatest footballers of all time and really fun to play with in FUT 23.

Number 4: Rivaldo (FUT Birthday)
Rivaldo is the first (and probably best?!) FUT Birthday SBC in FIFA 23. The Brazilian never had a really playable and at the same time good card in FUT until now. This was usually because the offensive player only has 2 star weak foot. And in the current meta, you can do absolutely nothing with it.
Since FUT Birthday boosted neither Weak Foot nor skill moves, Rivaldo was a successful SBC choice. Rivaldo has received 5 Stars Weak Foot. At 1.5 million coins, the SBC isn't cheap, but it's much easier to grind compared to Kylian Mbappé POTM, especially since the Rivaldo SBC is available until June 25. Use your fodder for a slightly more expensive Icon SBC rather than a gamble Icon Player Pick!
Number 3: Gianluca Zambrotta (Prime Icon)
Well, get ready to see this guy in every team in FUT Champs. Yes, Zambrotta will be used a lot – and we recommend him for everybody who still struggles to get a nice fullback. He can play left or right, which is awesome anyway, and is just the man to have for his position.
So, unless you never concede goals or have a perfect defensive line up, you should seriously get Zambrotta. He will make your team better, period.

Number 2: Carlos Alberto (Prime Icon)
Carlos Alberto is currently one of the most played cards in the Weekend League. The Brazilian all-rounder can not only play as a right back, but also as a centre back! He is "only" 1.80 metres tall, but headers are not part of the meta in FIFA 23 anyway. Much more important is pace, defending and a good physique, and there Capita has a lot to offer. His Prime versions costs a little more than 600,000 coins - a fair price at the current time.
Number 1: Roy Keane (Trophy Titans)
We have a new number 1: Manchester United legend Roy Keane. He is THE destroyer in midfield. At this point also a big F to those who have completed Gattuso, because Keane is cheaper and better. Gattuso is easier to link, but if you still have a choice, invest your fodder in Keane. For a little less than 400,000 coins, you get a defensive midfielder that you can easily play on even after Team of the Season.