Summer Swaps 2 in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team takes the token game to the next level. We show you all the tokens, when and how to get them, what rewards you can get, which ones are worth it, and everything you need to know about the event in general.

Once again, tokens can be collected diligently because Summer Swaps 2 is live. We will get sick endgame cards as rewards later, but that is to be expected around the month of August. Especially the meta player par excellence, Wissam Ben Yedder, immediately catches the eye. Here you can find all important information about the Summer Swaps 2 in FUT 22!
What's FIFA 22 Summer Swaps 2?
Summer Swaps 2 is the successor of Summer Swaps and therefore the newest token system in FIFA 22 which takes place during the summer – at the end of FUT. EA Sports really likes to do tokens this season it seems... we already know the whole procedure from Icon Swaps, FUT Birthday or the Team of the Season for example.
But the difference is that these are the biggest and most extensive swaps in FIFA 22. You can earn a total of 50 special player objects (the tokens) in the coming weeks and exchange them for packs, players and other rewards. That's a lot more tokens than usual – but the event will be live for 5 weeks. So, until nobody plays FIFA 22 anymore because FIFA 23 is almost released by then, lol.
Summer Swaps 2 Start And End Dates – When's The Release?
Summer Swaps 2 will launch July 29, 2022 – since then, you can collect your first token. It is not yet known when the rewards will be available, but FutSheriff will certainly keep us up to date – as usual, he is also the source of the leaks on the event. Summer Swaps 2 will then end on August 29.
Summer Swaps 2 Tokens
You already know how the system works, right? You collect tokens, which are those weird special cards with a 60 OVR rating that you can then trade in for packs or players. The more tokens you collect, the better the rewards. Ben Yedder is the crème de la crème here.
Once the event starts, it's best to check FUT every day because some tokens expire really quickly. If you want to get the best players and packs, you're going to have to do an insane grind anyway. We'll help you with that, bro.
When Can I Redeem Tokens In Summer Swaps 2?
You can redeem the tokens you’ve earned from Friday, August 12 to Monday, August 29. Are you ready for the summer grind?
Summer Swaps 2 Token Tracker: All Tokens And How To Get Them
Because here we show you all the current tokens that can be collected. You get Chris McCann after logging into FUT, the rest can be secured as SBCs or Objectives. By the way, the FUTTIES SBCs have also incredible players waiting for you.
1 | Chris McCann | For Free | – |
2 | Joe Murphy | Objective | 08/06/22 |
3 | Luke McCormick | SBC | 08/02/22 |
4 | Tomas Durso | SBC | 08/03/22 |
5 | Danny Musovski | Objective | 08/15/22 |
6 | Ian Bermingham | Objective | 08/15/22 |
7 | Mark Oxley | Objective | 08/15/22 |
8 | Lars Nieuwpoort | Objective | 08/15/22 |
9 | Shunsuke Ando | Objective | 08/15/22 |
10 | Matthis Harsman | Objective | 08/15/22 |
11 | Thijs Jansen | Objective | 08/15/22 |
12 | Barry McNamee | Objective | 08/15/22 |
13 | Rory Gaffney | SBC | 08/05/22 |
14 | Lewis Thomas | SBC | 08/06/22 |
15 | Dominic Bernard | Objective | 08/12/22 |
16 | Waniss Taïbi | Foundation Pack | 08/12/22 |
17 | Camilo Albornoz | SBC | 08/09/22 |
18 | Antoine Lejoly | SBC | 08/10/22 |
19 | Abdelkabir Abqar | Objective | 08/22/22 |
20 | Erik Majetschak | Objective | 08/22/22 |
21 | Ali Youssef | Objective | 08/22/22 |
22 | Ousoumane Camara | Objective | 08/22/22 |
23 | Lassine Sinayoko | Objective | 08/22/22 |
24 | Feyzi Yildirim | Objective | 08/22/22 |
25 | Ouparine Djoco | Objective | 08/22/22 |
26 | Jack Sowerby | Objective | 08/22/22 |
27 | Lenny Lacroix | SBC | 08/14/22 |
28 | Yosuke Yuzawa | SBC | 08/19/22 |
29 | Pius Krätschmer | SBC | 08/16/22 |
30 | A Ndiaye | SBC | 08/17/22 |
31 | Abdulwahab Jafar | Objective | 08/29/22 |
32 | Jubril Okedina | Objective | 08/29/22 |
33 | Dean Lyness | Objective | 08/29/22 |
34 | Jaiber Jiménez | Objective | 08/29/22 |
35 | Umut Günes | Objective | 08/29/22 |
36 | Goro Kawanami | Objective | 08/29/22 |
37 | Anthony Uzodimma | Objective | 08/29/22 |
38 | Asahi Masuyama | Objective | 08/29/22 |
39 | Hugo Novoa | SBC | 08/19/22 |
40 | Jorge Padilla | Foundation Pack | 08/19/22 |
41 | Yanis Cimignani | SBC | 08/25/22 |
42 | Ugo Bertelli | Objective | 08/29/22 |
43 | Shilow Tracey | Objective | 08/29/22 |
44 | Edgar López | Objective | 08/29/22 |
45 | Halldor Stenevik | Objective | 08/29/22 |
46 | Krisztofer Horváth | Objective | 08/29/22 |
47 | Damian Isac | Objective | 08/29/22 |
48 | Ángel Zapata | Objective | 08/29/22 |
49 | Abdulaziz Majrashi | Objective | 08/29/22 |
50 | Kyle Taylor | Objective | 08/29/22 |
Summer Swaps 2 Tracker! - 18 August UpdateTokens 28,39 and 40 Expiring tomorrowFollow @Criminal__x for tracker updates! Check Pinned Tweet on my profile to see the latest update daily#FIFA22 #FUT #SummerSwaps #Swaps
— Sahil (@Criminal__x) August 18, 2022
FUT Summer Swaps – All Rewards, Players And Packs
With a total of 50 tokens that you can earn, there are of course quite a few different rewards. From Packs to Player Picks to some Prime Icon Moments, everything is in the mix here.
The Official Summer Swaps 2 Rewards
- 1 Token – 82+ x25 Pack
- 2 Token – 83+ x25 Pack
- 3 Token – 84+ x25 Pack
- 4 Token – Icon Moments Zambrotta
- 5 Token – 85+ x20 Pack
- 8 Token – 94+ Shapeshifter Player Pick (1 out of 4)
- 10 Token – 86+ x15 Pack
- 12 Token – Hero Shapeshifter Player Pick (1 out of 5)
- 15 Token – Icon Moments 93+ Player Pick (1 out of 3)
- 17 Token – 95+ Shapeshifter Player Pick (1 out of 5)
- 20 Token – FUTTIES Ben Yedder (97 OVR)
- 24 Token – 95+ Icon Moments Pack
- 27 Token – FUTTIES Ben Yedder (98 OVR)
- 30 Token – Hero Shapeshifter Di Natale
- 32 Token – 96+ Shapeshifter Player Pick (1 out of 5)
- 34 Token – Icon Moments 94+ Player Pick (1 out of 4)
- 36 Token – Icon Moments Cruyff
The Best Summer Swaps Rewards
Of course, you have to decide on how to spend your 50 tokens. If you get the 98 FUTTIES Ben Yedder, then you can't get Cruyff Moments. If you get the 97 Ben Yedder, for example, that would still be possible. But do it as you like and think about what suits your team. If you don't have a viable RB, don't miss out on Zambrotta – but there's probably already a better full-back in your team by now.
Johan Cruyff may be the "best reward", but Icons are mostly not worth it anymore in FIFA 22.

Is Summer Swaps In FIFA 22 Worth It?
Of course, it depends on how much Ultimate Team you're still playing every day and how many tokens you can earn accordingly. We don't really need to talk about the rewards – they are really outstanding. But if you're already done with FUT and waiting for FUT in FIFA 23, then you shouldn't invest that much time. Yeah, I know, FOMO and all that... but you're not missing out on that much here.
Okay, the last sentence definitely sounded too negative because events with token systems in FIFA are always pretty cool. Even though Summer Swaps is not an event in its own right, instead it's just another way to get your hands on sweet, sweet special cards, we are always happy to receive new content. In any case, it's a pretty solid idea from EA to make the last phase of Ultimate Team a bit more interesting.