Twitch streamer Fran recently opened up about her break-up with xQc, claiming that the reason they separated was that he cheated on her. During a video call, xQc confirmed this, stating that he plans to address the situation down the line.
Both Felix “xQc” Lengyel and Francine “Fran” Vo are former Overwatch pro players turned streamers, and apparently started dating in 2023. They shocked the internet in June 2023, when pictures of them surfaced on Twitter.
The picture sparked rumors of the two even being engaged, which (considering xQc's past with marriage) doesn't really make sense. Still, it looks like the two of them were in a relationship, until the Canadian streamer apparently cheated on her.
xQc Confirms He Cheated On Fran
During a recent stream, Fran addressed her break-up with xQc, claiming that the main reason for this, was that X cheated on her.
Apparently, people in her chat didn't really believe her, which is why she decided to promptly call the Juicer himself, asking him to confirm her claims.
xQc didn't even try to deny the allegations, simply stating “I will confirm” as if he was in court. He then added how, “a lengthy segment needs to be done about this down the line for a bunch of reasons. And as lengthy as it can be and as publicly as it can get and as many apologies as you can put in, it doesn’t really change the action itself.”
At least he's owning up to it, but that doesn't really help the fact that he cheated on his girlfriend! Especially considering how hard he was on cheaters in the past himself.
- If you want to show some love for Fran, you can do so with a sub, you get one for free if you have an Amazon Prime membership !
Since then, it looks like xQc has pretty much confirmed that the person he cheated with was in fact his ex, Adept.
In a Twitch clip, the 27-year-old explained the motives for his actions, stating how “It felt to [him], like [he] wouldn't get that again in the future”.
This might explain Fran's distaste for xQc's ex-girlfriend as during the very same stream, she leaked the reason for their break-up, she also went in on Adept, claiming she was manipulative and caused most of the drama to begin with!