Hello everybody, it is time to present to you all of the categories and nominees, for whom you can vote. Here they are, enjoy!

The EarlyGame Awards show (see here for last years show) is right around the corner, and this article serves as a guide to all of this year’s categories and nominees.We sat down with a big team of EarlyGame experts as well as industry and gaming experts to decide on the worthiest nominees for all of the categories (seriously, we even have judges that helped us decide).
There are only 10 spots for each category, so only the best of the best will be included. If you didn’t receive a nomination this year, better luck for 2024. A quick recap for all the rules, so you know exactly what’s happening:

EarlyGame Awards zugunsten von Laureus Sport for Good 2023
- 5 categories, where you’ll need to vote for your favorite candidate
- Voting closes on the February 20th, 2023
- The Awards are for a good cause (Laureus Sport for Good Germany), and donations are much appreciated
- If you donate, you will automatically be entered into a raffle with prizes worth several thousand EUR (top product a MIFCOM-powered stellar gaming computer)
- The Award Show will be uploaded on February 27th, 2023 to EarlyGame
As previously mentioned, you will be able to win amazing prizes if you donate (all proceeds go to Laureus Sport for Good Germany). Just like last year, the more you donate the higher your chances of winning are: for every 5€ you will receive one entry. So, if you donate 10€, you will have to, if you are extra awesome and donate 500€, you will have earned yourself 50 entries. Quick maths.
You can donate hassle free here.
Euronics is also a proud sponsor of this year's EarlyGame Awards. All the cool kids know about Euronics, but in the off chance that you do not know about them, don’t worry, I got you . Another proud sponsor this year is MIFCOM, who produce quality gaming PCs. If you still need one, we got you.

For everyone that wants to vote, but maybe doesn't want to donate to Laureus Sport for Good, don't worry, we got you!

Thanks to our partners fritz-kola, we will be able to give away 3 Lootbags among everyone that participated in the vote. Voting doesn't cost you anything, so that's a free W for you!
Here are the nominees for each category. Below each category also the link to the detailed description of each one of the lucky nominees.
Upcoming Streamer of the Year
- V1nKub
- starletnova
- OttoBulletproof
- quiteLola
- SkylineTVLive
- NoahZett28
- Snipsska
- HamedLoco
Vote for your favorite Upcoming Streamer of the Year here.
If you want a quick overview of the category or the nominees, you can find them here.
Gamer of the Year
- Ungespielt
- MontanaBlack
- Trymacs
- HoneyPuu
- xFibii
- NoWay4u_Sir
- EliasN97
- BastiGHG
- UnsympathischTV
- Amar
Vote for your favorite streamer/gamer here.
If you want a quick overview of the category or the nominees, you can find them here.
Esports Player of the Year
- nine
- JannisZ
- Umut
- Broken Blade
- HeRoMaRinE
- Morten
- FabienneXIII
- tabseN
- BunnyHoppor
Vote for your favorite Esports Player here.
If you want a quick overview of the category or the nominees, you can find them here.
Esports Team of the Year
- MOUZ (CS:GO Team)
- G2 Gozen (Valorant Women)
- BIG (CS:GO Team)
- RBLZ (Red Bull Leipzig FIFA Esports Team)
- Eintracht Spandau (LoL)
- SK Gaming (Brawl Stars)
- Unicorns of Love - Sexy Edition (LoL)
- Munich Esports (Overwatch)
- G2 (Rocket League)
- FOKUS (Valorant Team)
Vote for your favorite Esports team here.
If you want a quick overview of the category or the nominees, you can find them here.
Social Act of the Year
- Friendly Fire (Gronkh, Pietsmiet & Co)
- Loot für die Welt (LeFloid, Spacefrogs & Co)
- LetsPlay4Charity
- Knossi, Capital Bra, Kontra K, Kalazh44
- Gaming gegen Krebs
- Play4Water (Fabienne, Eko Fresh, Gentleman & Co)
- Fragging for Charity (Dhalucard, Rumathra, Chefstrobel & Co)
- 7DaysToCharity6
Vote for your favorite charitable individual/charity here.
If you want a quick overview of the category or the nominees, you can find them here.
Oh, and don't forget that we do all of this for charity. But if you donate, you have a chance of winning awesome prizes, like a gaming PC or one of these.

If you wanted to donate, now you have another chance to maybe win an awesome MIFCOM gaming PC or one of many other prizes: