The category you're probably most hyped about, Gamer of the Year 2023!
Let's start the category with the greatest entertainers of the 21st century! Who will wear the crown? It's not Knossi, because we didn't even nominate him. Not enough of a gamer for us.
But we have the return of one of our former champions, EliasN97! Whether he takes the trophy home again is up to you and and the community of Eli. Lucky him, he was not even nominated for Reved's streamer award!

But before we reveal the candidates, remember that we're hosting these Awards for a good cause. Every dollar you donate, goes directly to Laureus Sport for Good Germany.
Also, we want to thank our Award partner Euronics and MIFCOM, for making this all possible. If you don't know them, they provide you with all you could possibly need for gaming. MIFCOM for example provided us with an awesome gaming PC for the giveaway.
We got a lot of cool prizes. All you have to do, is to donate to Laureus Sport for Good.
For every 5 Euro you donate, you receive one ticket for our raffle. More donations mean more tickets and higher chances to win something in the end.

There are also a bunch of other prizes! We got everything the gamer heart desires.

Now it's your turn. Vote for your Gamer of the Year! Share the voting, activate your community, because in the end the EarlyGame Awards are a community award. Our jury "only" chooses the top 10 candidates within the criteria provided below.
EarlyGame Awards In Favor Of Laureus Sport for Good 2023
For everyone that wants to vote, but maybe doesn't want to donate to Laureus Sport for Good, don't worry, we got you!

Thanks to our partners fritz-kola, we will be able to give away 3 Lootbags among everyone that participated in the vote. Voting doesn't cost you anything, so that's a free W for you!
Gamer of the Year - Criteria
Hereby we open the voting for the Gamer of the Year 2023.
If you're interested in why we chose these 10 candidates, you can find a short description to each of them here with some nice pics (we did a special Instagram deep dive). Btw, the order is random, so don't interpret anything into it.Of course, we thought of some rules (not all have to be fulfilled), how candidates are chosen:
- Active part of the German streamer scene
- Epic Gamer Moments
- Huge base follower and community
- Like seriously, as a gamer you have to actually play video games!
The voting for the Gamer of the Year 2023 is officially open and there can only be one.
When will we announce the winner? On 26.02.2023, when our big award show goes live!
Gamer of the Year - Nominees

Unge just had to be on in this category this year. He is the biggest German WoW streamer and Blizzard just brought back the best expansion with Wrath of the Lichking Classic.
Ungespielt celebrated this with one of the most blatant streaming marathons in the history of the platform. Even his fans were really worried!His current subathon has been running for 50 days (as of 04.01.23 (EU-Date)) and will continue for a while. Insane!

How could we nominate the biggest gamers on the platform for an award and not include Monte? Especially this year he really shined.
So much so that at the Gamescom he seems to have attracted fans from all over Germany! He also had his own show GetAway!, took part in the ProSieben Wok-WM and was not to be overlooked at countless other streamer events this year.
But he didn't only do a lot of IRL events, he also played a lot of Fortnite, GTA RP and Warzone.It's hard to imagine the German streaming scene without Monte, and once again he gave his all to be one of the Gamer of the Year.

Trymacs has had a great year. He was at pretty much all the big events, even had a boxing match with MckyTV (and won) and gamed a looooot.
An award show without Trymacs just wouldn't be justifiable. He was there last year, is there again this year, and probably will be next year (assuming he continues to do many events, content, etc.).
Maybe he'll be invited to fewer events this year and finally gets to play more.

Let's get started with one of the biggest female streamers the last years produced, HoneyPuu. Her ungodly growth really took off in 2021, but what can I say, it doesn't look like it's going to slow down anytime soon.
She is definitely one of the biggest German streamers on the platform and what can I say, she also plays together with other streamers from time to time, is very present in the scene and just had a really good year!

Let's move on to our candidate with the most blatant growth. You guys think I'm kidding? We were seriously considering nominating Fibi for Upcoming Streamers because she started the year with 140K followers on Twitch.
Since then, she's gained almost 300K followers, added 3 million hours watched, and can keep up with the biggest German streamers on Twitch. We think everyone needs to respect the grind and we had to have her at the EarlyGame Awards.

How could we possibly forget one of the top 3 most watched German streamer on Twitch in 2022? As an esports player, Frederik is a whole lot of fun to watch for his gameplay alone. But he is also just all around pure entertainment on stream. No wonder he is one of the most watched German streamers right now.
This year he has been gaming, like a LOT! Mostly League of Legends of course, but he played Elden Ring as well (for like 2% of his total hours last year).

Elias is already a veteran of the EarlyGame Awards in favor of Laureus Sport for Good. In 2020, he won the trophy and this year it's all about getting his title back.
He's not here just for that, though, but simply because he managed to triple his Hours Watched (HW) easily! He has taken off this year so blatantly that he has shot up from 30M to 100M HW!
Elias also has the most average viewers among the German streamers, plays a lot of games and participates in IRL events. All in all, he's just an awesome gamer!

How could we try to nominate the Gamer of the Year and not have a candidate who a) streams without a cam and b) really only plays Minecraft.
Seriously, Minecraft is so huge that you just can't leave out the biggest German streamer. On top of that, he's also part of CraftAttack, the biggest Minecraft event of the year and competes with many other candidates on our list, like Trymacs, HoneyPuu, or UnsympathischTV.

But you just can't get past Sascha. In the German streaming scene, only a few are as well represented as he is. UnsympathischTV streams with big names like Knossi and Monte and has been at almost every streamer event.
This year we could watch him at the Wok-WM and Montes GetAway! show, where he acted a bit stupid in classic streamer manner. We still love you Sascha and to honor your great year you were nominated by us!

Let's end with a streamer who not only plays a lot of games, but also hosts awesome events himself! Even one of our colleagues, who streams herself, was there when Amar hosted one of his Fortnite tournaments.
He's just a dude who goes to extreme lengths to bring awesome formats to Twitch and pushes categories like Fortnite with his "Lost Legends Tournament". How could we not nominate him as one of the biggest gamers of the year?
If you want to donate, you can do so here, for a chance to win an awesome gaming PC made by MIFCOM, or many more cool prizes: