Looking to know how much time you have left to finish the battle pass? This is when Season 4 ends and Season 5 begins.

CoD 2023 is still quite far away, and we have a few more full seasons of Modern Warfare 2 to enjoy. Here is a short guide for you on when the current season ends, and when the next one begins.
When Does MW2 & Warzone 2 Season 4 End?
As we can tell from the battle pass, Season 4 will end on Wednesday, August 2. At which point we will be almost done with the current year of content.
That's quite a decent amount of time to finish the battle pass. But if you really need extra help getting to level 100, put the next double XP weekend in your calendar!
Enjoy this season while you can, because next year's game looks questionable:
When Does MW2 & Warzone Season 5 Begin?
Well, since Season 4 is ending on Wednesday, August 2 and new seasons always start on a Wednesday evening, you got it, Season 5 will kick off on August 2, 2023. This has already been confirmed by Activision in their recent blog post on the new Season 5 content.
We hope you found that helpful.
If you haven't tried Warzone Ranked yet, we highly recommend checking it out: