MW3 Beta: Download Size Leaks, Actually Quite Reasonable

The Modern Warfare 3 beta has been finalized, and the download size has been leaked. It's actually quite a small download for the beta, but that's because it's actually coming as an update to MW2 rather than being it's own app.

The MW3 Beta download size has been revealed! | © Activision

This year, the Modern Warfare 3 beta is going to be released as a mode within MW2, so it's actually an update you need to download and not a new game. This is great news if you have Warzone/MW2 downloaded because it has allowed the update file to be quite small (at least in CoD terms). Let's take a look at the leaked download.

MW3 Beta Will Be Released As A 25 GB Update To MW2

According to PlayStation Size (a channel that effectively leaks the "back end" of the PlayStation Store) the Modern Warfare 3 beta will take the form of two update packs for MW2, a 25 GB update with all the content and a 1 MB license checker:

Of course, the total download will be bigger if you don't have MW2 installed already, but we don't yet know how much of MW2 will need to be installed to play the MW3 beta (MW2 doesn't have to be downloaded completely to be playable, and is instead divided up into downloadable packs). We will let you know as soon as we have those details.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....