This is our live Battlefield 2042 update hub. Every patch, no matter how big or small, will be detailed here. So let's see what the devs have been working on this time!

Say what you will about Battlefield 2042 (and we certainly haven't held back on criticism ourselves) but at least they haven't abandoned the project. Major updates have been getting churned out at an impressive rate. And on this page you can always find the latest news about upcoming updates and fresh patch notes.
When Is Battlefield 2042 updated?
The weekly Battlefield 2042 update occurs every Thursday at 11:00 ET (16:00 GMT, 17:00 CET), give or take a couple of hours. You can expect a new playlist every week, and a new set of weekly challenges, unless they make a drastic change. But major balance changes and bug fixes are only ever part of larger updates that take place at that time on Thursdays every 3 weeks or so. If they change this schedule, we will let you know here immediately.
Battlefield 2042 Update 4.1 Patch Notes (May 18)
- Vehicle Aim Sensitivity and Transport Vehicle Freelook Sensitivity Controller settings now always correctly apply their effects
- Aim Assist has been improved while aiming at moving targets
- Aim Assist should no longer incorrectly acquire targets through thin obstacles
- When not ranking up, you should no longer see the “You have been promoted screen” during End of Round
- Delivered improvements that help to reduce input lag
- Adjusted Trigger Weight to ensure that inputs feel more responsive when applying successive inputsAudio
- The Announcer Voice Over for Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 3 experiences has been remastered, and now includes new radio sound effects
Battlefield Portal
- Specialists will now correctly display animations during the End of Round screen while in Battlefield Portal modes
- Made the following changes to Hardcore Templates within the Battlefield Builder to align them with our Featured Experience offerings.Enabled HUD in Hardcore Templates
- Disabled Mini-map and Compass in Hardcore Templates
- Hitting enemies with EMP effects now correctly triggers Player Disrupted XP
- Removed placement delay for deployable gadgets so they now appear instantly
- Deployable gadgets are now easier to deploy
- Insertion Beacon
- The size of the Insertion Beacon has been increased so it’s easier to see
- The Insertion Beacon is now visible from further away
Balance Changes
- Angel
- Angel will no longer be able to grant Armor Plates via his Supply Bag
- Boris
- Spotting via the SG-36 Sentry Gun now highlights spotted players via a red dot, and spotted enemies are now also visible for friendlies
- The SG-36 Sentry Gun will no longer track players behind walls
- Overall damage and health for the SG-36 Sentry Gun has been lowered
- RPM reduced from 450 -> 250
- Start Damage 16 -> 10
- End Damage 10 -> 7
- Fall Off Damage Range 50 -> 40
- Projectile Speed 960 m/s -> 500 m/s
- Health 200 -> 150
- Lock-on time increased by 0.3 seconds
- Target Forget Time 2 -> 1.5 seconds
- Target lock-on range 65 -> 50m
- Reload Speed 5.2 -> 4.2 seconds
- Dozer
- Bashing with the SOB-8 Ballistic Shield while inside smoke should now always deal damage
- Irish
- Fortification System recharge rate reduced from 25 -> 20 seconds
- AC42
- Increased the AC42 distance damage dropoff at higher ranges
- AK24
- Removed the AK24 Semi Auto fire mode
- Increased AK-24 Burst Mode rate of fire to 900RPM
- NTW-50
- Improved the NTW-50 effectiveness against vehicles
- Added an additional damage multiple versus tank tracks
- Increased PKP-BP vertical recoil, and added a new horizontal recoil profile
Battlefield 2042 Update 3.3 Patch Notes (March 8)
Battlefield 2042 Update 3.3 mainly brings bug fixes and the "apology" bundle for Gold and Ultimate Edition owners.

- Match Overview has been improved and placed on the left of the screen.
- The Scoreboard now features a team vs team split look for certain team-based modes such as Conquest, Breakthrough, Rush and Team Deathmatch, alongside the inclusion of the deaths stat to the Scoreboard.
- This is the first version of the Scoreboard, and further improvements will be made to this in subsequent updates.
Steadfast Exclusive Legendary Bundle
- A bundle for all owners of the Gold or Ultimate Edition or the Year 1 Pass.
- Zero Resistance Skin for Mackay
- Grasshopper Weapon Skin for the K30
- Rapid Hammer Weapon Skin for the M44
- Iron Chariot Vehicle Skin for the M5C Bolte
- Rib Tickler Melee Weapon Skin
- Resolute Player Card Background
- The Steadfast Player Card Icon
- Fixed a game crash that could occur on Origin or Xbox One when signing in/out while using an Xbox One controller
- Setting “Chat” Key Bindings no longer requires a game restart to take effect
- Adjusted Aim Assist on console to ensure that the system is in effect when analogue sticks are at 100% of their range. Previously it was only active at ranges below 100%
- Fixed a bug where takedowns would not result in a kill on Xbox One and PlayStation®4
- Established new location for our EU Data Centre as Frankfurt
- Conquest & Breakthrough - fixed a bug where the Securing Objective XP-event was triggered even after a Capture Point was already fully captured
- Hazard Zone - fixed a visual bug displaying squad mates during the match found sequence
- Hazard Zone - fixed a bug where the End of Round XP gains sometimes didn’t trigger
Battlefield 2042 Hotfix Update 1.08 Patch Notes (February 4)
On February 4, a hotfix was deployed to fix general stability issues. We didn't get full patch notes, but here's how the update was described by Battlefield Direct Communication:
We've just made a small #Battlefield2042 hotfix available across all platforms to address areas of game instability that we've noticed after the release of Update #3.2.There's zero downtime, so you'll be good to jump in and play once you have it downloaded at 9AM UTC.
— Battlefield Direct Communication (@BattlefieldComm) February 3, 2022
A boring update, but it's still something.
Battlefield 2042 Update 3.2 Patch Notes (January 20)
- Fixed an issue where leaving a party during matchmaking could make the game unresponsive
- Fixed an issue where connecting to EA servers after signing up with a new account would not work on the first attempt
- Updated behavior of the quit button during gameplay, so it now returns you to the correct screen
- Fixed an issue where the loading music would stop playing during level load
- Fixed a rare occurrence where after landing with the Wingsuit, hits wouldn’t always register on some parts of Sundance’s hitbox
- Fixed occurrences of rubberbanding when running behind friendly players
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause you to be stuck in both an alive, and downed loop
- Fixed a variety of issues with attaching to ladders that could cause you to get stuck in a state where you could fly away or lose control of your Specialist
- Fixed an issue where soldier movement speed was impaired by nearby explosions that spawned craters
- Fixed an issue where camera shake and audio for landing would unintentionally trigger when dropping from very small heights
- Fixed an issue where weapons from a Loadout Crate would sometimes inherit ammo from the previously selected weapon
- Fixed an issue were being spotted when firing a weapon would spot you for too long
- Added multiple fixes to improve overall game stability
- Fixed a rendering related crash that could occur for AMD Radeon VII users while Sundance was visible on screen
- Sniper and SOFLAM scope glints now show from a further distance
- Fixed an issue where passenger weapons would no longer be in sync whenever the driver’s turret would rotate, causing bullets to not register when firing at enemies
- M1A5, T28 - improved the effective range and reduced spread on Canister Weapon Pod
- Reduced Bullet Spread from 1.6 -> 1.1
- Increased Damage Fall Off Distance from 35 -> 40
Battlefield Hazard Zone
- Fixed a black rectangle being present on screen during Hazard Zone end of round when hitting quit at the level progress screen
Battlefield Portal
- The Server Info tab now persists after hitting Refresh in the Portal Server Browser
- Fixed an issue where text would overlap when joining a Team Deathmatch game during the end of round sequence
- Rules Editor - the “IsInventorySlotActive” value now correctly handles melee weapons
- Certain admin commands can no longer be spammed
These were the most recent patch notes, hopefully you saw what you wanted. If not, you can expect regular updates throughout 2022.
There's still a long road to go for Battlefield 2042, but the new year should also bring new content. We certainly know what we want from Portal…