This is a huge L for DICE and EA. The Clownfield 2042 parody is already getting better ratings and more attention than Battlefield 2042...

Looking for the perfect game to make up for the disappointment of Battlefield 2042? Clownfield might be just the game for you. This is a complete parody of Battlefield 2042; it's hilarious, and it's stupid, but it's also... weirdly good. You can find it on the Steam store right now, and you'll probably be shocked by how much effort went into this joke game.
Per the Steam reviews:
“Runs amazing on current gen RTX card at 200 FPS in 4K”10 – JackLies“The best Clownfare experience ever made”9.9 – ING“The next big thing is here and this is it”9.5 – MetaSomething
After the slap-in-the-face that was Battlefield 2042, EA can't even be mad.
Is Clownfield A Real Game?
Clownfield is on Steam right now, and there's a lot more included in this to make it a "real game" than you might expect. You'll be getting a multiplayer shooter that runs pretty damn smoothly, and includes all of this:
- Three Maps (War Island, Paradise City and The Heat).
- Six Weapons (2 Assault Rifles, 1 Handgun, 1 Sniper Rifle, 1 Rocket Launcher and 1 Shotgun).
- Three Game Modes (All Out Clownfare - Free for All with AI, Hovercraft Zone - Hovercraft vs. AI, Clownfield Gateway - Adjust ingame properties to play the way you want to play).
- Weather Events (Physics driven Tornado System across all maps).
- AI System (Pretty basic but good enough for the moment). not that much less than the actual Battlefield 2042.
Will these jokes ever end?
How Much Does Clownfield Cost?
Clownfield costs $1, and almost 1000 reviewers have been "very positive" about it, so it's probably worth it if you're looking for an afternoon of fun. Riverside Sport do a bunch of fun parody games like this, so if this is your thing, check them out. You can get Clownfield 2042 as part of a Franchise bundle for only $10 right now.
As much as we laugh at Battlefield 2042 though, this is just a bit of fun, and we are looking forward to the first season's content. We just had to give a shoutout to the Clownfield writers and devs. I mean, come on, this is brilliant:
After a 2022 cryptocrash caused by NFT's, a majority of nations collapsed and a union of "No-Clowns" has been formed.