Are you struggling to complete the daily Jumble challenge today? Want to get the damn thing behind you? Here are all the answers for Jumble today, February 12.

Even though Jumble is considered one of the most straightforward Word Games, sometimes daily challenges might be complex, even for Word Games experts. And if you don't want to struggle like we do, we are here to help you. It's a universal Jumble guide with correct answers and hints for February 12.
We will first give you some hints and the solution for today's Jumble. Further down in the article, we share some general Jumble advice to help you daily!
Today's Jumble Answer – Hints & Solution
Before we show you the correct Jumble answer for February 12, here are some hints:
- Brush and clean the coat of (a horse, dog, or other animal).
- Take or go with (someone or something) to a place.
- Different to what is usual or expected; strange.
- Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance.
We won't say more! Now look away if you don't want anything spoiled!
The Jumble answer for today, February 12 is here:
- Groom
- Bring
- Oddest
- Humble
And if you want to finish today's Jumble, here is the phrase you should use: Something.
We hope you were able to solve the problem without any frustration. However, if you're still reading this, it's likely that you were unable to find a solution. Still, it's not a reason to worry. This article can be used as a reliable source for quick and accurate Jumble answer once needed.
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Today's Jumble Answer – General Tips
What if we said that sticking to a few straightforward tips can significantly improve your in-game experience and make you never have trouble with Jumble challenges? Sounds like a dream, but it's real. Here's some general advice, which should help you with the Jumble every day, regardless of the answer.
- Expand your vocabulary to have better chances of finding the required words
- Use common letter combinations that can form numerous words
- To guess the phrase, use the image from the cartoon
- If you are unable to find the answer on your own, don't hesitate to seek help
- Use daily hints from Earlygame to complete daily challenges faster
And of course, play Jumble regularly. Completing daily challenges is a skill you should train, thus tons of practice matters.