A garbage skin is in the Valorant store, a flaming pile of trash by the name of Wasteland. We're not kidding. Find out why this skin bundle is both metaphorically and literally rubbish.
Why are players calling out the Wasteland skin you may ask? Well besides its rather ugly junkyard design, it seems the Vandal skin has some visual problems: it's too long. That is to say its muzzle sticks out too much and is longer than the other version of the Vandal. We now turn to the source of human intellect on the internet, Reddit, and give special thanks to u/zhoost for this picture:

So why is this a disadvantage? Well... using the Vandal Wasteland skin makes you easier to see. In Valorant, positioning is the most important tactical decision you can make and determines nearly every match. Unless you suck like me – Iron III what’s up?
So if you still want to spend your money on the Wasteland skins when they appear in the shop they will cost you 875 VP each. We foresee the Vandal getting a little bit shorter as Riot is slow but good at fixing its games.
If you need a refresher, the Wasteland skin is for the:
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