So yeah, Chamber got nerfed. Pretty hard, actually. Even though Patch 4.09 is not a big one, it might actually shake up the meta a little. Let's see what Riot has in store for us this time!

For now, all indications are that Riot is heavily prepping for Episode 5, so we didn't get a big Patch this time. Their hands are full of work – a new map, Phoenix & Cypher buffs, and they're probably keeping an eye on Fade and making sure she's balanced. However, we still got an update that will probably heavily affect the current metagame. Let's see what's inside the Patch 4.09!
Agent Updates
Chamber's Trademark Nerf
So, as we already informed you a week ago, Chamber is getting nerfed quite hard. Although it's only a change for one ability, it's a big one that significantly reduces the power level of this particular Agent.
Here are all the new changes for the Trademark ability:
- Cost increased to 150 (from 200)
- Charges reduced to 1 (from 2)
- Audio range increased
Fade's Visual Changes
So, Fade's not getting nerfed yet, but she's getting some pretty interesting visual changes:
- Nightfall (Ultimate Ability) – You should now see a decreased amount of flickering textures on diagonal walls when casting Fade’s ultimate. Also added VFX for additional clarity and visual impact.
- Seize (Q Ability) – VFX change to the orb for a more dynamic presentation in 1p and Agent select.
Competitive Updates
Although Riot still hasn't implemented this whole Clutch Mute thing, but we're getting a pretty exciting Party Lead Transfer feature, which allows you to change the lead of your party:
- Party Lead Transfer – The current party leaders can right-click the player name they want to transfer the responsibility to, and choose “Make Leader” in the drop-down menu.
Esports Features
- Added Observer ability to toggle Scoreboard on/off.
Bug Fixes
As always, some small bug fixes for Jett, Skye and Sova.
- Fixed a bug where Jett’s Tailwind would sometimes fail to cast when used immediately after curving a Cloudburst smoke.
- Fixed a bug where Jett’s ultimate indicator would sometimes stay active after firing all kunai.
- Fixed an issue where an unintended ‘use’ input could happen after abilities such as Skye’s Trailblazer or Sova’s Owl Drone is activated while using the ‘use’ key.
And that's it for Patch 4.09 Notes! The next update should hit the game on May 24th, and it will be the last update for Valorant Episode 4.