Valorant Patch 3.08 Overview - New Esports Features & Deadeye Teaser

No nerfs or buffs this time, but Riot still keeps us entertained. Check out what's new in Valorant Patch 3.08.

Today we got another Valorant update, and even though it may not have brought any nerfs, buffs, or Agent changes, but it did provide us with a lot of quality of life improvements and easter eggs. Let's take a deeper look at what players got in Valorant Patch 3.08 and how the upcoming changes affect gameplay.

Valorant Patch 3.08: Deadeye Teaser

Deadeye card
New Deadeye Card | © Valorant

Let's start with the hottest topic — new easter eggs related to Deadeye, the new Sentinel Agent. We've heard about it many times over the last 3 months, and Riot still keeps giving us hints that a new Valorant Agent is coming really soon. This time, the developers left with us two small easter eggs on Fracture — one visual and musical. We got a card with a logo that's obviously related to Deadeye and a 4-minute song. Anyway, see for yourself:

It will be interesting to look at all these clues that Riot gave us for the past 3 months once Deadeye goes live on official servers. But when will that be? Probably at the beginning of the next Act, which is scheduled for 2nd November 2021.

Valorant Patch 3.08: Bug Fixes

Moving on, we have numerous quality improvements and bug fixes. Many issues are now resolved, from skin-related to map-related to performance-related. Let's take a look at the ones that have definitely annoyed players the most in the past few weeks:

  • Weapon skins should now appear correctly in-game.
You may have occasionally seen some funkiness with Skins over the past few weeks. This was occurring, rarely, when playing on a slower connection due to an extended loading period.
  • Fixed hitch that could occur when Barrier Orb breaks.
  • Fixed a bug where using Ping (Z) while defusing caused you to stop defusing.
  • Observers can now correctly see player outlines through barriers.
  • Viper’s Ultimate will no longer spawn incorrectly when placed on top of the shipping crates on B site located on Icebox.

Valorant Patch 3.08: Esports Features

Lastly, something that all competitive players will be happy about — some new eSports features! Well, this is not the tournament mode we wrote about some time ago, but these features really help coaches do their work.

  • Coaches now have the ability to swap to players with keybinds.
  • Coaches will now see a visual PIP (a small demarcated dot) on the top player HUD to indicate who they are spectating.
  • Coaches now inherit the setting to see player keybindings on the minimap, similar to Observers.

Considering that almost every team (except Sentinels) has a coach, these features are really important for the Esports Mode. We are just after some big tournaments where Riot could listen to feedback from professional players, so maybe that was the genesis of these changes.

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Szymon Bielawski

I've been into competitive gaming and eSports since I was a kid. I started out in the local CS:GO scene and ended up performing at the international major tournaments like Hearthstone Masters Tour. The competitive gaming world discovered a new...