The jokes are over – the new Episode 4 Act 2 has begun, Riot blessed us with a Yoru rework; it's time to finally get good at the game, Here are a couple of Agents that can help you start Episode 4 Act 2 with a win streak!

The new Episode 4 Act 2 has started, and probably a lot of you have the "I'm going to get Radiant this time" resolution. Well, we wish you good luck, but don't forget that every match starts in the Agent selection screen, and the choice you make there is one of the most significant during the entire game. It is not always an easy choice, especially for novice players, so we decided to help you make it by preparing a selection of the best Agents in Episode 4, Act 2. Whether you like to rush B without looking back or are into more control-ish gameplay, here are the best options in the meta for any playstyle:
Best Duelist Agent: Jett

Jett is undoubtedly the most versatile Agent in the game. Whether you prefer to play more aggressively, defensively, or even as a "support Agent", she'll do just fine. Unlike other Duelist Agents, she also has access to fast smoke, which gives a wide range of utility with the rest of her abilities. Jett has survived a million nerfs and still dominates absolutely every tier list since beta, and it doesn't look like that will change anytime soon. Jett is also the best Valorant Agent to play with a sniper, as she can quickly change positions in a matter of seconds.
Best Controller Agent: Brimstone

Smoking in Valorant is one of the most essential parts for taking control over the map. And who's better at smoking than Brimstone? His versatility towards controlling any map is outrageous, be it Split, Breeze, Ascent, Bind, or even Fracture. Your tactics playing Brimstone should be smoking off parts of the map where the enemies are located. This ensures easier entrances onto the site when attacking, or holding off the enemies at bay until your teammates arrive when defending. Even Brimstone's ultimate ability is designed in such a way to keep the enemies at bay for great movement and repositioning opportunities!
Best Initiator Agent: Sova

If you are a novice player, Sova is not the Initiator we'd recommend here; just go for KAY/O or Skye. However, if you already know what the game is all about, and you're willing to learn Sova's lineups, you might find yourself in Radiant at the end of the season. And we mean it! Sova's kit allows him to gather info and drive enemies out of hiding better than anyone else. Luckily for you, we recently put together a very extensive guide for the best Shock Dart lineups on Ascent.
Best Sentinel Agent: Chamber

Being the hottest agent in Valorant, Chamber has flipped the meta on its head since the day he was released. When playing Chamber, you strife to play for your teammates, all while using smart tactics to trick and hold off enemies at bay with the Trademark and Rendezvous abilities. But the main tactics when playing Chamber is ensuring a great economy and guns for later rounds. You can essentially save a whole round of credits only using your Headhunter and Tour de Force ultimate ability. All in all, we won't see any time soon a Sentinel as strong and versatile as Chamber.