The time to roll dice might be over for Vox Machina, but a new era has started: when Amazon Prime Video picked up the D&D campaign turned Critical Role show, new and old fans alike were enthusiastic about the first two seasons. No wonder they are now all eagerly awaiting season 3 – here's what we know so far, including the release date, plot and anything else you could possibly want to know.

Raise your hand if you know the struggle: trying to get your friends who have, much to your dismay, no clue about Dungeons and Dragons to indulge in Critical Role can be a pretty hard task. Swearing up and down that the 400 hours worth of content are so worth it because the story is amazingly good, and thinking it all came from improv? I can't be the only one who tried to convince my friends. And, I can't be the only one that kindly got told that nobody had the time for that kind of commitment, can I?
Now, it's not about commitment anymore as The Dawnfather has blessed us: Critical Role's first campaign, following the adventures of the band of adventurers known as Vox Machina, got an adaptation by Amazon Prime following a bonkers fundraiser back in the day. Now, the "there's too much content!" excuse doesn't work anymore – good for me and my friends. Condensed down to 30-minute episodes, CritRole somehow managed to still catch the Vox Machina Vibe, tell the story and captivate new audiences.
Season 3 has been confirmed before the second season even premiered. Speaks of the show's success, right? Still, we wait for Vox Machina's next adventure: when do we finally get to see the next arc animated?
The Legend of Vox Machina Season 3 | Confirmed Release Date
After months upon months of waiting, fans finally got confirmation that The Legend of Vox Machina's third season releases this year. Mark October 3 in your calendars, folks, the wait is nearly over! We also got blessed with the title sequence for season 3:
The music by itself already gave me goosebumps! Also, those wonderful nerdy-ass voice actors who play Dungeons and Dragons somehow managed to get me choked up with a single shot of Keyleth realizing she'll probably outlive all of her friends. My girl is going through it... Also, if you're watching campaign 3, did you notice Vax kinda get a glimpse of his future? Nice easter egg, well played!
So, it's pretty safe to say we're about to experience some new epic fights, lots of fun moments, but also heartbreaking conversations that will leave new and old fans choked up. Before we get into that, let's take a look at the not-so-surprising cast that awaits us once again, shall we?
The Legend of Vox Machina | Cast

It's obvious, isn't it? Yeah, I thought so. Our main heroes remain the same (and I thank every deity for that!), and here they are:
- Laura Bailey as Vex'ahlia
- Liam O'Brien as Vax'ildan
- Travis Willingham as Grog
- Ashley Johnson as Pike
- Taliesin Jaffe as Percy, or, if we want to do it the right way: Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III
- Marisha Ray as Keyleth
- Sam Riegel as Scanlan
- Matthew Mercer as... well... a whole bunch of characters, but most importantly: Trinket.
The past has shown: there are many, many other amazing talents showing up to be a part of The Legend of Vox Machina, including Lance Reddick as Thordak, Grey Griffin as Delilah Briarwood or Indira Varma as Allura.
The Legend of Vox Machina | Chroma Conclave Arc
Spoiler warning: if you haven't seen the actual DnD campaign and don't want the plot spoiled, you might want to leave (or catch up on YouTube or Twitch, your call)! But make sure to take a look at this beautiful edit while you're here:
With Amazon adapting the originally crowdfunded show, we pretty much already know how everything is going to turn out – the first Critical Role campaign ended in 2017, after all. Season 2 ended on a cliffhanger as well, and it's not hard to guess: the Chroma Conclave Arc and the fight against the dragons will continue in season 3.
This arc is one of the largest and as Matthew Mercer said at Comic Con 2022:
The Chroma Conclave arc is a very long arc. To try and adapt that into a single season is a very daunting task. We were trying desperately to figure out if that was possible. Thankfully, it’s not and we got greenlit for season three."
And now, there are still some dragons roaming Tal'Dorei. There are some pretty high stakes battles incoming, the green dragon Raishan will start her "cooperation" with Vox Machina, we've got a special white dragon...
It remains to be seen if season 3 marks the end of The Legend of Vox Machina's runtime on Prime. Will we even meet Taryon Darrington? Will Scanlan even make my heart break (A Bard's Lament, anyone??)? Whatever the case: we'll keep you updated!