Rocket League Ripcore is a new tool perfect for training your skills on your way to become a Rocket League god. What is Ripcore, and how can you access it?

I know what you are thinking right now: What the heck is a Ripcore? Sounds like one of those genres of music that "the kids" are "into". But no, Ripcore is something else entirely. It might actually be the next big thing in competitive Rocket League. Ripcore is an online tool for practicing your Rocket League skills based on RLCS plays. Yes, it takes replays of amazing RLCS moments and makes them playable for you. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Read on to see more details on how exactly this works and how you can access it for free!
What Is Ripcore & How Does It Work?
Ripcore is a small company of just a handful of people, who actually met through playing Rocket League. Cute! Last year, they started a Kickstarter campaign to finance a new online-tool, which is supposed to help players practice their Rocket League skills with specific scenarios and get better at the game. Here is an official description of the service:
Rip Core is a software we use to recreate shots on Rocket League, and you can put yourself in the shoes of any player on the field whether to be shoot the shot, save it, or even just learn basic shadow defense or back post rotations.Have you ever watched a crazy RLCS shot and thought to yourself, "I could do that!" Well now you can with Rip Core!
So you can take the replay of a Rocket League play and jump straight in to play it yourself? Still sounds like crazy-Matrix-stuff to me, but it seems to work! You should try it out, it's super helpful and easy to use. But how can you get Ripcore?
How Can I Get Ripcore And How Much Does It Cost?
If you want to improve your Rocket League skills, go over to the official Ripcore website and sign up for one of their programs to get the mod. It will be available in-game for you to select replays and play them yourself. Note: The standard tier is completely free! You can also sign up for paid subscriptions with extra benefits, like more and permanent training packs and more snazzy shenanigans.But again, you can try this out for literally no money. So do it!Give it a go! Try it out and let us know on our Discord server, whether it helped you improve your skills or not.