Alan Ritchson, probably best known for his portrayal of Reacher in the Amazon Prime series, has spoken out about his feelings on ex-president Donald Trump. Spoiler alert: He's not a fan, and just like his character in the show, he's not afraid to speak his mind.

Ah, Jack Reacher – towering above his enemies and serving justice as he sees fit. Reacher has made his way to Prime Video, bringing Lee Child's book series to new life and gathering quite the fanbase. Alan Ritchson as the new Reacher (gearing up for season 3!) has played a huge part in the show's success – not only because his looks are quite the sight for sore eyes, and he seems born to play the lead role from a physical standpoint, but also because he seems like a sweetheart behind the scenes as well.
That has changed recently in the eyes of many, though. Just like his fictional counterpart, the actor has strong views about what's right and wrong.
Alan Ritchson didn't pull any punches when he sat down with The Hollywood Reporter for an interview and talked about faith, his views about the Catholic Church and, while he was at it, about former president Donald Trump.
"Trump Is A Rapist And A Con Man" – Ritchson's Stance Is Clear
Ritchson himself is a devoted Christian, and his faith plays a big part in his life. He even has a dedicated YouTube and Instagram series to raise awareness for his beliefs, talking about various topics and shedding new light on matters of faith.
He has actually explained why playing Reacher and being Christian aren't mutually exclusive:
Being openly religious can close a few doors in the industry, though. Standing by his faith and openly talking about it was a risky move on Ritchson's part which some fans appreciated and felt inspired by, while others are firmly against the concept of religion in its entirety or would have it rather discussed behind closed doors, at the very least.
While on the topic of religion, he also shared his views on Donald Trump, especially because he's "the poster child" of the Christian Church, which doesn't make sense to Ritchson. He explained that he doesn't think Trump aligns with Christian values:
Christians today have become the most vitriolic tribe. It is so antithetical to what Jesus was calling us to be and to do. [...] Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to treat him like he’s their poster child and it’s unreal. I don’t understand it.
His strong views about the Catholic Church don't stop there. Ritchson is acutely aware of all the horrible things happening in this community, which is purportedly about charity and doing to others as you would have them do to you:
It’s worth saying that the atrocities that are happening in the church that are being actively covered up, even to this day with people not being held accountable, is repulsive. I can’t for one second support the Catholic Church while there are still cardinals, bishops and priests being passed around with known pedophilic tendencies.
All of this doesn't stop him from continuing on InstaChurch – faith doesn't equal the Catholic Church, after all. His open stance on this rather controversial topic did receive mixed reactions, though.
While many people support his openness and agree with his views, others were quite upset about his unfiltered words about Trump and vowed to not watch Reacher's third season as a consequence – can't have an actor with thoughts and feelings that don't align with our own, can we?
For the full interview, check out The Hollywood Reporter!