Recent buffs to one champion have made him completely OP in various roles. Is there a nerf in sight?

In LoL Patch14.2, Riot decided to buff a boat load of champions. Some of those buffs landed where they were supposed to, while other adjustments seem to have been a bit too strong. One of those was to none other than Twisted Fate, who has become a beast on Summoner's Rift.
Twisted Fate is probably one of the best champions in the game right now. In Patch 14.2, Riot decide to make quite a lot of changes to his kit, to help him after he lost some power due to the removal of mythic items. But were these changes too much?
League of Legends: Twisted Fate Is S-Tier In Three Roles

Twisted Fate has become the best champion on Summoner's Rift. And not just because he is totally OP in the mid lane. No, he's become a top tier champion in every single lane. According to he's in the S+ tier in both the bot lane and the mid lane, while hovering in the S tier in the top lane as well. There is nowhere to run from Twisted Fate it seems.
The champion has accumulated a massive 17% ban rate as well, and in all three lanes hovers around a 52% win rate with his lowest being in the mid lane at 51.88%.
In LoL Patch 14.2, Riot added in crit multipliers to his W, giving him the choice to also build AD. His E was also buffed with higher bonus attack speed and damage.
The community has noted that his ADC build is especially annoying to play against and are hoping that Riot odes something about it. Twisted Fate can now also be built AD which is where he gains a lot of attack speed and damage which players aren't able to counter properly.

The problem is also that there is no counter against the champion. He has high damage, decent crowd control, and he's got spammable point-and-click abilities which players can easily abuse, especially in the bot lane. Oh, and top lane Twisted Fate is just another ranged bully which isn't fun to play against.
For LoL Patch 14.4, no nerfs have been planned yet. His win rate is not too out of control, but 52% is still pretty high so it'll be interesting to see whether Riot makes any changes.