League of Legends Champions have fun little dance animations in their kit, but as it turns out they aren't the only ones who can dance on Summoner's Rift.

There are some champions out there that have pretty great dance animations, and it seems that one particular champion has even inspired jungle creatures to start dancing!
League of Legends: Even The Baron Dances
Jungle mobs are able to dance and with League of Legends Season 14 one of the most iconic creatures got a face lift and new look. But it wasn't just the Baron's physical appearance that Riot upgraded, but they also gave him some new cool animations.
League of Legends content creator, SkinSpotlights, revealed on Twitter that Baron Nashor also has a cool new dance animation. Thanks to his newly added arms in Season 14 he can now bop his head while waiting for you and your team to take him down.
Always find it funny when people mention jungle mobs dancing but don't realize Riot added a new dance animation to new Baron pic.twitter.com/p2DN29KR7R
— SkinSpotlights (@SkinSpotlights) February 8, 2024
Multiple League of Legends players also pointed out that the Baron Nashor dance is eerily similar to that of another champion. Could Baron have been inspired by none other than Aatrox?
The dance animation has Baron crossing his six arms across his chest – or neck... body? – and bopping his head to the beat. Aatrox has a similar dance animation, which is likely where Riot got the dance from. Also, there isn't too much you can probably do with Baron.