Ethan Nestor, also known as CrankGameplays has been banned from Twitch after a slip-up on screen where he accidentally showed explicit content while trying to speedrun Wikipedia.

CrankGameplays, a YouTube icon who has entertained us for over a decade, recently faced an unexpected challenge during a subathon on Twitch. While attempting a playful "speedrun" of Wikipedia, he was suddenly banned from the platform.
CrankGameplays Banned On Twitch
Although Twitch didn't specify the reason, it's widely believed that the ban was due to him accidentally showing sexually explicit content while browsing. As many streamers know all too well, even a brief slip-up, quickly corrected, can lead to an instant ban that blocks your account for days.
It was revealed on X, by @streamerbans, and Ethans only reply was: "Whoops."
— ethan (@ethannestor) August 19, 2024
The funniest this about this is that Twitch didn't ban him directly after the slip-up and his community is speculating whether it was because of a part of female anatomy that found its way on screen, while on Wikipedia.
Check this out, the comments are amazing:
The bean got him banned for sure lol
— Pupsker (@Pupsker) August 19, 2024
Hey, at least you found it though, congrats :)
— Jeremiah Woodward (@Jpw03) August 19, 2024
cliterly can't believe it
— Captain Beau (@PostUnumAnnum) August 19, 2024