The Witcher 3 has been out for almost a decade. But there are still stories to tell. Today, we'll show you what happens when you sneak into the brothel with Ciri.

In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the game mechanics do not officially allow Ciri to visit brothels – such adventures are reserved for Geralt. However, since the game's release in 2015, players have uncovered virtually every secret and opportunity in the game's vast world.
One particularly curious glitch caught our attention. It concerns Ciri and can result in a permanently cursed save game if she visits a brothel.
Witcher 3: How To Visit The Brothel With Ciri
YouTuber xLetalis discovered a way to get Ciri into the normally inaccessible brothel during her storyline in the Witcher.
In the "Ciri's Story: Breakneck Speed" mission, players will normally play as Ciri fleeing from pursuers in Novigrad. Avoiding conflict and taking to the rooftops can lead to an otherwise restricted area that allows interaction with various NPCs, an action the game subtly discourages.
The plot thickens when Ciri enters a brothel, a scene that should be technically impossible and results in a game glitch. A romantic endeavor in the brothel unites Geralt and Ciri in a strange and disturbing cutscene mix.
Brothel Bug Leads To Perma Curse
This glitch results in a "transformation" of Ciri that persists beyond the encounter, leaving the player controlling a mixture of Ciri and a half-clad Geralt, effectively cursing the saved game with this bizarre anomaly:

You can skip to minute 2:20 to see Ciri's way to the brothel in the video below. But before you try to recreate this bug in your game: There is no way to get rid of this bug again.
Your affected save game will be cursed forever, so think very carefully before eventually doing this yourself.