Dragon's Dogma 2 surprises fans with an unexpected tribute to Assassin's Creed's iconic Leap of Faith.

The massive world of Dragon's Dogma 2 is full of enemies and cool features. Among these features is an Easter egg that many players may have missed - a tribute to Assassin's Creed.
Assassin's Creed's Leap of Faith in Dragon's Dogma 2
Are you familiar with the Leap of Faith from the Assassin's Creed series? This iconic move allows players to gracefully drop from great heights into haystacks or similar soft landings without suffering any damage from the fall. It's not only visually striking, but also immensely satisfying. Over time, the Leap Of Faith has become something of a trademark for the franchise.
While you won't be able to perform quite as elegant a fall in Dragon's Dogma 2, you can certainly land just as gently in a haystack atop a cart. These carts are scattered throughout the game, with one notable location near the Nameless Village.
How has no one else talked about this? Assassin's Creed? by u/TheRealBadBoi in DragonsDogma
Most fans were unaware of the Easter egg. In the Reddit comments, one user shares that he suspected something was off about the haystack, but couldn't put his finger on it. Many others admit to toying with the idea of jumping, but ultimately lacking the courage to take the leap of faith.