Each year ahead of a League of Legends World Championship, Riot lets fans predict the outcome. One specific question could ruin everyone's Pick'Em though.

It's time for the League of Legends World Championship once more. As with every Worlds players will be able to make their own predictions and hope to get as many points as possible for some rewards from Riot Games – if you haven't picked up your rewards from Prime Gaming yet!.
There is one thing though which could result in the highest score being a 19/20 for the Crystal Ball picks. Which prediction could end up ruining everyone's Pick'Em this year?
LoL Worlds 2023: Pick'Em Crystal Ball Picks Could All Be Wrong

This year, once again, Riot has added the Crystal Ball picks for players to pick. This a completely different leaderboard from the normal Pick'Em which will still give players some awesome prizes if they're able to make some of the correct answers.
There is one problem though with the Crystal Ball Pick'Em and those are the questions about Pentakills. A Pentakill is when a single player manages to kill all five players of the enemy team, which is not easy to do – unless your name is Ruler.
One of the questions in the Pick'Em is how many Pentakills Worlds 2023 will have. The answer 0 is available here. But further down another question pertaining to Pentakills has been added in which fans are asked which player will score at least 1 Pentakill at Worlds 2023.
This means that if no player scores a Pentakill at the 2023 League of Legends World Championship everyone will have wrong Crystal Ball Pick'Ems, since there is no option of 'no player' when choosing the answer for the question.
Of course, with players like Ruler, Deft or Caps participating at the 2023 World Championship the probability of 0 Pentakills is quite low, but hey... it's Worlds and anything can happen.