Sometimes even the best developed game has loopholes and bugs in his code. So it shouldn't be surprising to anyone, that the same goes for League of Legends. Now, a new bug of the champion Janna was brought to the surface. She's certainly the fastest champion around.

Well, every long-standing League of Legends player has heard about the so-called "spaghetti-code" of the game, which allows some interesting, annoying but mostly funny bugs or glitches to happen. Now, there is a new one with the champion Janna. Here is everything you need to know about it.
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LoL: Janna Is Now The Fastest Champion Around
If a bug or glitch occurred, there is always one man, who brings it to the surface – Vandiril. And yes, the newest "buff" for Janna was also presented in his popular Youtube Channel. But what is happening with Janna at the moment you might ask. Well there has been an "accidental buff", for her W-Zephyr, the passive of this ability grants her movement speed, which correlates with her AP.
To say it in an easier sentence: More AP for Janna leads to more movement speed for Janna. Needlessly to say, that Vandiril went ham and built as much ability power as possible on her, to test it out. The results are astonishing to say the least. With a full AP item built, Janna reaches an incredible speed of 3590, which is enough that even the opponent's base towers needed some time to process and detect her as an enemy.
This Janna buff might be a bit too much.... by u/IIXeu in leagueoflegends
There were also several other funny clips with Janna and her incredible increased movement speed. And obviously many players were taking note of the situation, which led to some interesting community reactions on the League of Legends Subreddit.

As stated by the user "LordGrace", he tried the bug for himself and his PC couldn't handle the game anymore.
The highest I got her speed to was 3139 ms. It was causing my game to glitch she was moving so fast.
Other community members, like the user "DiFToXin", tried to explain the situation to other players, on how this could even happen in the first place,
they buffed her ap ratio on the movement speed buff of her W. my guess is instead of buffing it to 2% (20%?) AP they accidentally buffed it to 200% AP so with 770 AP you get 1540% movement speed
Obviously, some Reddit user, had to bring up a meme about it, this time coming up with a traffic control,"M'am are you aware you were doing 1700 in a 325 zone". Needlessly to say that this was the most upvoted comment of them all.
Well, it's always interesting to see, how bugs or exploits are discovered and will be also interesting to see, what else might be brought up to the surface in the future. One thing is for sure, the League of Legends "spaghetti-code" and the shier numbers of possible bugs by over 160 champions with different abilities and skills will always provide new stuff for Vandiril and others.
And as long as these things are discovered and handled by Riot Games fast enough, we're certainly fine with them.
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